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 Sports / *52 (-20)
  FIFA World Cup Trophy
I built a replica of soccer's holy grail for your viewing pleasure. More details can be found in this message. (URL) well, Andreas Stabno (URL) (24 years ago, 16-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: A field arrangement Question!
(...) Hey sheree, I agree that the instructions leave a little to be desired. I am a 26 year old steel fabricator who can desipher detailed blueprints. But when it comes to building these sets I feel like throwing it against the wall. I think (...) (24 years ago, 14-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports, lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: futbal (soccer) goalie
I'd forgotten to post an image of this. I've finally gotten around to that. (...) (24 years ago, 14-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad.dat.models, lugnet.sports)
  Re: A field arrangement Question!
Rose Regner <> wrote in message <snip> (...) to (...) You are not alone! [ on building or age ;-) , 30 sounds good from where I am...] The pictures have no numbers. Some parts they choose to show how to (...) (24 years ago, 14-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports, lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: Play wear?
(...) Well Mikohl, I've been disgusted with TLG changing the way they make their Lego for the past 2 years. Too many individual characters are one of the things I don't like. In the past, Lego themes had very few characters. Pirates for example only (...) (24 years ago, 13-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: Play wear?
(...) Well I do agree with your concern, but I don't think that anyone with a used soccer set will have to worry about the kicking pieces getting old or anything anytime soon. If they had to worry about that, they should go buy an expansion pack or (...) (24 years ago, 12-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Play wear?
Hi, I was thinking. The soccer kicking pieces are cool and all, but how long do they last? After going through much use, I wonder how much they could take. In the years to come, people wanting to buy used soccer sets will have to do without the (...) (24 years ago, 12-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: A field arrangement Question!
(...) Not a Soccer set but there are 2 of these green 4*12 brick plates in Knights' Kingdom 6095 Royal Joust. Mind you at ~$42 (Aus) this set is hardly worth it just for those, but if you happened to be interested in it anyway it would do the trick. (...) (24 years ago, 11-Aug-00, to, lugnet.sports)
  Re: does anyone actually play this?...
(...) ...I do that too, but it doesn't hold up as well as Id like to being moved... last night I had to rebuild my stadium after my 3 year old decided she wanted to 'play' also by standing in the field.. :-/ I put down a 3 layer thick of interleaved (...) (24 years ago, 9-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: does anyone actually play this?...
(...) I use 2x4 plates in the recesses underneath each side of all the kicking blocks, with a few 4x4s on corners here and there. Then a selection of 2xn plates around the edges. --Dave (24 years ago, 9-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: does anyone actually play this?...
(...) ...ahha :-) Rich was using this layout. I like it. The non-symetrical sides make for interesting approach, I would think. But there's no center attacker :-/ (I wish u could line up a small base on the midline of the side of a big base :-( (...) (24 years ago, 8-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: does anyone actually play this?...
(...) board using an (...) (URL) forgot to mention that this takes an expansion pack also, sorry. My team layout is slightly different from Richard's but my field is identical. Deidre (24 years ago, 8-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: does anyone actually play this?...
(...) I play it, and it's fun. (...) They can shoot pretty well, but because of the so called "never gets stuck between players" plates the ball can sometimes do wierd things like make an S shape around the other team and enter the goal. This makes (...) (24 years ago, 8-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: does anyone actually play this?...
(...) ...Hmmmm... What's the url on that one? I finally came up with an 11 player board using an expansion set (prolly will get round to 'templating' it soon). ...Also, don't forget! The game makes a _great_ drinking game! :-) (URL) for the record, (...) (24 years ago, 7-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: A request for information.
Try asking your favourite search engine. Here's the first one I found: (URL) (24 years ago, 7-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: New newsgroup lugnet.sports for Football/Soccer
FIFA stands for (excuse my spelling) Federation International Football Association I think. If not it's something similiar. If an international organization calls it football, then one would assume it is called football in most countries, right? (...) (24 years ago, 7-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports,
  Soccer Promo, possibly German
Hey all, I saw this Soccer Promo set, a tiny polybag, here in .il. The writing is German so I figured it might've originated from there. It came as a present from a kids' magazine; two 'figs, including a grey baseball cap. I'll scan the bag ASAP... (...) (24 years ago, 6-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports,
  Re: A request for information.
"Farlie A" <> wrote in message (...) Lego(R) (...) The Dewey Decimal is approximatly 909.?? How would I find the CIP record. I looked in the book itself and couldn't find anything that sounded (...) (24 years ago, 5-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)
  Re: A field arrangement Question!
In, Deidre Rushton Brumby writes: What i can't find however is where the 4x12 green brick/baseplates come from? (...) The 4x12 brick plate is not extra and I would also like to know where you can get all those 2X2 green plates without (...) (24 years ago, 5-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports, lugnet.fabuland)
  Re: A request for information.
(...) Catalouging in Publication record.- Essentially It is what libaries use to classify the book as well Dewey decimal. In the US I think it is called a Libray of Congress record or similar. It is easier for my libaray if i have the CIP (...) (24 years ago, 5-Aug-00, to lugnet.sports)

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