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Mon, 25 Mar 2002 20:25:59 GMT
887 times
That's your camera adjusting the white ballance. I get around this by
increasing the the exposure in my pics, which makes everything brighter. You
can also mess withe brightness/contrast in photoshop(or similar)...


In, Mark Neumann writes:
In, Jon Palmer writes:
Thats a cool little ship.  The trans blue looks pretty good with the red and
dk gray.  The links as feathers is a good idea.  I'm jealous though cuz I
don't have any links at all. ;-) I also dig the flower pots.  Just never
NEVER stick a 2x2 cone in them.  Trust me.

heh, I know exactly what you mean.

Regarding the brightness of the pictures, (Tony also mentioned this) maybe I
can help a bit.

The following is more or less copied from an email I sent to Todd Trotter on
the subject:
<snipped lots of good info>

Thanks!  I appreciate the help.  I've been experimenting quite a bit with my
art program and I think I'm getting better.  The sad thing is where I shoot
pics is indoors, on the wrong side of the house for natural light no less.
But I do have one incandescant, and three halogen lights working for me.
With LRS I was even taking one of the smaller halogens and trying to point
it at the model to get the best effect.  It's funny because on Beast
<> I used the same
technique and had not a problem.  With LRS I think the darker colors sucked
up the light or something.  I'm learning, what can I say...

Mark Neumann
home of the Snow Leopard Clan

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LRS
(...) heh, I know exactly what you mean. (...) <snipped lots of good info> Thanks! I appreciate the help. I've been experimenting quite a bit with my art program and I think I'm getting better. The sad thing is where I shoot pics is indoors, on the (...) (23 years ago, 25-Mar-02, to

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