Re: Any suggestions on a homepage?
Sun, 16 Jan 2000 10:55:23 GMT
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Ed Jones wrote:
> I'm sure I'll get lots of gruff for this,
Not from me, you won't...
> but when developing your website,
> there is no reason to reinvent the wheel. Save the HTML code of sites that you
> like (with a site displayed in your browser, click File: Save As) to see how
> they were put together and reuse that code in your site. I am not suggesting
> that you steal content, only reuse the architecture.
Right on. While taking content as your own, unattributed and
unpermitted, is not correct, anything that you can see when you view
source is fair game to learn from as far as I am concerned. And viewing
source is a GREAT way to learn.
Heck, combine all the advice in this thread... to get started, use one
of those browser supplied editors, make up a page with a few things,
then view source on that page to see what was done. Compare that with a
similar page you've found elsewhere to see how different the code styles
CAN be...
Good luck!
Larry Pieniazek
- - - Web Application Integration!
fund Lugnet(tm): ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to lugnet.
NOTE: Soon to be :-)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Any suggestions on a homepage?
| (...) Probably the easiest for a website newbie to learn the ropes is to get a free website at Geocities. Geocities offers two website editing tools: a very basic WYSIWYG and a more robust HTML Code editor. Don't be afraid of an HTML code editor. (...) (25 years ago, 11-Jan-00, to lugnet.publish)
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