This morning the rest of my family and I were joking around at the breakfast
table and as usual I managed to pull LEGO into the conversation. I dont
remember all we talked about that followed, but we ended up with a laughing
half-kidding qeution, which was: I wonder just how many couples there are out
there that are happily married and eat-sleep-breath-walk-and-talk LEGO?
So I decided Id ask the worlds largest group of AFOLs just exactly that: how
many of you couples out there live LEGO to its fullest and remain blissfully
married? :)
Message has 8 Replies:  | | Re: Demographical Question
| (...) hey afols! fyi, my wife jennifer and i are super fans of lego! i own roughly 2 million pieces, and she own %50 of those by law! i am the avid modeler, she gets most joy dissassemling torsos and endangering their lives on my 9v train tracks. (...) (21 years ago, 18-Feb-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)
|  | | Re: Demographical Question
| (...) Hmmm... judging by the number of replies (this is the only one at this point!), I'd say it's pretty rare! My wife tolerates my hobby and sometimes will help me sorting parts or even build a model (very rare!), so I'd say we qualify, but she (...) (21 years ago, 19-Feb-04, to lugnet.general)
|  | | Re: Demographical Question
| (...) My wife builds some, not as much as me but she still builds. A large portion of our chatting during the day revolves around LEGO in some way. She is in full support of the hobby. I think she'd like me to drop some of my other hobbies and just (...) (21 years ago, 19-Feb-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)
|  | | Re: Demographical Question
| (...) Although I'm not married yet, my gf of 7 years has put up with my addiction/hobby for quite some time. She only gets angered if I spend too much on LEGO (how much is too much?). For Christmas she half jokingly half seriously asked for 4101 (...) (21 years ago, 19-Feb-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)
|  | | Re: Demographical Question
| (...) Hmm, okay, so although we weren't actually married, Todd Lehman and I had an awesome, wicked-fun 5 years together. We ate LEGO for food. (...) My husband and I both do the LEGO-thang. We met at a NELUG meeting! :-) Happily married for 1.3 (...) (21 years ago, 19-Feb-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.people)
|  | | Re: Demographical Question
| (...) Sort of in the same vein as the first part of Suz's reply: Most were familiar with the Chris and Shiri show (that lasted 2.5 years). And we also weren't married, for the record. :-) (URL) (21 years ago, 19-Feb-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)
|  | | Re: Demographical Question
| (...) Well, I already had a large LEGO collection when she came into my life. She was a little hesitant at first, but after I showed her the joys of building and playing with the bricks, she came over to the good side :-) I did have to promise her (...) (21 years ago, 24-Feb-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)
|  | | Re: Demographical Question
| (...) Hi! So many times we asked the same question! the end of mine dark ages coincided with the start of our love. therefore she did not have that to adapt to this hobby. by the way, our interest grew more or less at the same time. grew as much (...) (21 years ago, 25-Feb-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)
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