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Re: Demographical Question
lugnet.general, lugnet.people
Thu, 19 Feb 2004 07:10:55 GMT
1910 times
In lugnet.general, Mike Thorn wrote:
[...] I wonder just how many couples there are out
there that are happily married and eat-sleep-breath-walk-and-talk LEGO?

Hmm, okay, so although we weren't actually married, Todd Lehman and I had an
awesome, wicked-fun 5 years together. We ate LEGO for food.

[...] how many of you couples out there live LEGO to its fullest and remain
blissfully married? :)

My husband and I both do the LEGO-thang. We met at a NELUG meeting! :-) Happily
married for 1.3 years.

I probably have 100 times more LEGO than Jim does, but somehow he's the only one
who manages to build anything..

I'm in trouble with him right now for leaving my 30+ red DACTA bins (filled with
bricks) in our bedroom, blocking his dresser. His fall/winter wardrobe is back
there somewhere. Oh well, now it's almost Spring! Not my fault we don't have
enough rooms for my collection...

He can't be *too* mad at me though, because tonight he said I can pick out some
LEGO for my birthday. hee-hee!

Jim and I do have some LEGO-related stress moments, of the kind you wouldn't
have with a NLSO. Like, he gets to buy more LEGO than I do, so I get jealous.
Esp when he buys sets with minifigs I really want and SOMEhow those new sets
quickly disappear into "his" collection. Or when he goes online and buys
specific elements, paying who-knows-what, before asking me if I have any - when
I've got dozens, hoarded years ago, still unused!! And he makes fun of me for
saving his boxes from the trash (though I finally got him trained to open his
boxes without damaging the art). He gets on my badlist when he suggests he may
do some *unpure* LEGO building. But I really irk him when I stay up late reading
LUGNET.. uh.. oops!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Demographical Question
(...) Karen and I sidestep this problem by just dumping it all together. This is made easier since (some Technic bits aside) the entire collection is stuff we've accumulated since we've been together -- our childhood troves are held hostage by (...) (21 years ago, 19-Feb-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.people)

Message is in Reply To:
  Demographical Question
This morning the rest of my family and I were joking around at the breakfast table and as usual I managed to pull LEGO into the conversation. I don't remember all we talked about that followed, but we ended up with a laughing half-kidding qeution, (...) (21 years ago, 18-Feb-04, to lugnet.general, lugnet.people, FTX)

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