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 Organizations / United States / NELUG / 1873
1872  |  1874
I can't hear you ........
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 13:40:38 GMT
853 times
Way too quiet 'round here.

Makes me antsy.  And makes the days longer at work.

Somebody needs to bring up a topic for discussion.

Anybody?  Anybody?


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: I can't hear you ........
(...) Umm. Why doesn't LEGO make an "Industrial Revolution" theme? It would be a great way to explore a time period they haven't done yet, and the theme's gimmick could be that each set came with a big machine built out of Technic-type pieces. Well. (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jul-01, to
  Re: I can't hear you ........
Alrighty then, I got a question. Why do you guys exclude magic from your BrikWar games? Is it too powerful? I understand that the suppliments are broken (?) but I think someone said that you could construct magic from the basic rules (I haven't (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jul-01, to
  Re: I can't hear you ........
(...) Prepare for a little stream of consciousness because I'm gonna be all over the place . . . It used to seem like Lego didn't want to have anything to do with licensing. But now it seems like that's all they do; Star Wars, Harry Potter, Jurassic (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jul-01, to

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