Re: train show
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 00:32:07 GMT
713 times
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In, Kai Brodersen writes:
> Hello and Happy Boxing Day :)
> I was wondering for christmas if any of you got the 4561 railway express for
> a present. I have 3 cars that go along with it and maybe if any of you have
> any more cars from 4561 we could come up with a really cool train(redo the
> engine of course) and run it at the show.
> but if you guys hate the 4561s design then ill make something else.
> kai
The 4561 is not a model I'd show at the train show as a featured item. It
may make sense to have the box at the show to show people who ask what Lego
has available, and to discuss how one can make their own stuff using Lego
sets as a starting point.
It *is* a good source of parts, but that's about it.
My bullet train uses two of them as a major parts source. If you come to
Steve's tomorrow, you'll see it as well as a lot of other stuff, I expect to
have at least 20-30 pieces of rolling stock with me, as well as a lot of
track tagged with stickers and some structures. We can discuss how much of
it will be loaned to the group for use at the show.
One other thing I'd like to see discussed is what flyers should be handed
out, if any.
Has anyone started trying to do a track plan yet?
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: train show
| (...) <snip> (...) My husband and I gave our 10 year old daughter a 4561 for Chanukah this year. She is thrilled. As a parent I can not over emphasize how nice it was to have everything she needed to get started in one box for one price. I don't (...) (24 years ago, 27-Dec-00, to,
Message is in Reply To:
 | | train show
| Hello and Happy Boxing Day :) I was wondering for christmas if any of you got the 4561 railway express for a present. I have 3 cars that go along with it and maybe if any of you have any more cars from 4561 we could come up with a really cool (...) (24 years ago, 26-Dec-00, to
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