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 Organizations / United States / 387
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Re: Idea for ALL US LUGs (Big Regional Map)
Tue, 9 May 2000 14:26:30 GMT
1206 times
Sproaticus wrote:

Christopher Tracey wrote:
I have been doing some Geographic Information Systems(GIS) analysises based on the distribution of
AFOLs, population, some socio-economic factors, etc.  Maybe
this is a project that the LUGs could work on together.

GIS would be incredibly cool, though not everyone has a GIS viewer installed
on their machine.  Could your tools do HTML output?

I can output in the maps in jpeg or eps (other formats also but those two work the
best).  If this ever gets off the the ground there are free java-based gis programs
that run over the web(i think jshape is the name of one).


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Idea for ALL US LUGs (Big Regional Map)
(...) GIS would be incredibly cool, though not everyone has a GIS viewer installed on their machine. Could your tools do HTML output? Cheers, - jsproat (25 years ago, 8-May-00, to

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