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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 9614
9613  |  9615
Re: final rules.
Fri, 17 Oct 2003 21:22:14 GMT
622 times
Steve Hassenplug wrote:

You may be surprised how easily this could happen.  The simple act of pressing
the button, and holding it, could cause more than one "signal" to be sent.  In
mechanical switches, you can get some "bounce" when opening or closing the it.
Like putting a basket ball on the floor.  If you push it hard enough, it won't
bounce much, but if it comes off the floor at all, that's just like opening the
switch, and closing it again.

Your point here is valid.  We do need to experiment with the signaling
wiring and procedure.  Potentially we could say any press and releases
in a 2 second period count as one.  Your turn is automatically 2 seconds

It's tricky we need to play with it.  I'm hoping to get 2 rcxs and a
control lab hooked up passing turn this weekend.

Personally, I don't have a problem saying if someone's touch sensor bounces,
they will get DQ'd, but then I'm not planning on using a touch sensor to signal
End Of Turn.

How are you planing to do it.  We need to ensure that all methods of
passing turn will be compatible.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: final rules.
(...) Do the control labs have 2 inputs and 2 outputs? Can you just hook one in & out together, and say that is the signal line for one robot? (then do the same for the other?) Then, when one signal is received, the control lab sends out a signal on (...) (21 years ago, 17-Oct-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: final rules.
(...) You may be surprised how easily this could happen. The simple act of pressing the button, and holding it, could cause more than one "signal" to be sent. In mechanical switches, you can get some "bounce" when opening or closing the it. Like (...) (21 years ago, 17-Oct-03, to

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