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Re: NMRA2003 Friday install
Mon, 14 Jul 2003 17:37:03 GMT
529 times
David Koudys wrote:

Is your RCX picking up the signal from 'the main loop'?

I can do that.  Wasn't sure what needed to be done, was going to ask
later.  Just figured that was a convenient place to put one.

I guess the 'main loop' is going to be the outside loop--the RCX connected to
that loop needs to be visible for the remote to work.  All other 'slave' RCX's
can be embedded into the layout, as long as sensor port 1 is connected to the
main loop via the 2 light resistor setup.

Ok, lets just say the outside loop is the master control loop and all
other RCXs will key off this loop.

I think 3 RCX's should do--each loop.  Someone will also have to bring tape to
electrically isolate the sections.  I'll bring my cut track, but the tape is
working better.

The ramp could be a possible 4th segment, however we can play that be ear.

What else...

I have the wired throttles as well--have 2 but could make another.  Think we can
only use 3 'cause the main RCX only has 3 sensor inputs.  The remote can run 6
engines at the same time (IIRC).  Oh that reminds me--I'll have my remote, but
we should have a few of those as well.

Ok, I'll pack mine.  I'll look at building the wired remotes too.  I
think I have more free time then others.  I might try building a control
box if I get a chance.

I packed up my landscaping and then did a quick setup of the rail yard.  Turns
out that I have 13 xl baseplates (not counting the 2 50x50), so I'll stop by the
mall and buy one more (not that I'm 13-phobic (forget which phobia that's
called) but I could always use 1 more baseplate.)

When setting up the rail yard, I realized that I'm short straight sections of
track.  Again, here's a call for the 'lend me'--whoever feels like lending me,
say, 16 straight sections of track for the show, it would finish the yard.  As
it is, it's pretty good (maybe pics tonight), but more track, more rolling stock

I used to have 16 extra straight sections of track but for some reason I
only have 14 now.  :-)

I'm adding little details to the yard (not too many--no time and no room to sort
thru boxes of LEGO right now).  Jeff had some pretty nifty things at one time.
I also forgot who made the 'fuel towers' out of old Technic battery boxes, but
if y'all feel like bringing little stuff to put around the rail yard, it'd be

I believe those were Calum's.

What sort of space do you have for little buildings.  I'd be happy to
build a few.  What sort of environment would fit,  residential,
commercial or industrial?  Light, medium, high density.  Zone me some
space and see what grows, just makes sure there are adequate services or
no-one will move in. :-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: NMRA2003 Friday install
(...) I can bring my PalmVx which functions as a remote if needed. (...) I can bring them back as well, no problem. What I'll do is this. We'll set up on Friday, and I'll bring out my major conponents (red station, yellow freight station) then (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jul-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: NMRA2003 Friday install
(...) <snip> . (...) <snip> (...) Is your RCX picking up the signal from 'the main loop'? I guess the 'main loop' is going to be the outside loop--the RCX connected to that loop needs to be visible for the remote to work. All other 'slave' RCX's can (...) (21 years ago, 14-Jul-03, to

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