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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 7939
7938  |  7940
Re: [rtlToronto] Roadshow 2003 Toronto
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 17:45:29 GMT
1125 times
Calum Tsang wrote:

In, L. Andrew Reynolds wrote:
I quick question: What is the actaul table space under the tent including corner


L. Andrew Reynolds
GtwLUG, Saint Louis

Hey Andrew!

The tent is a hexagonal structure with sides each about six feet long.

In our situation, we had a 6 foot (two PNLTC half modules) by 12 foot train
layout.  We basically took up the center between two opposing sides, leaving a
triangular 12 foot by 6 foot by 6 foot section on the front and the back.  By
draping the chain around the hexagon, it formed two areas where a group member
could stand inside the tent in the shade talking to visitors, making a nice neat
defition between where you should be and where you shouldn't be.

Actually, our layout is 2 modules by four modules.  Each module is 96x96
or slightly more than 30" on a side, or 2.5'  So the tent is almost
exactly 10' across, normal to the sides.  I think that makes each side
of the hexagon 5.75' long (10' = 2 x (sin(60) x s), so s = 5.75'), and
the tent would be about 11'6" across, pole to pole.

The triangular section at the front and back would have been 10' wide
and almost 3' deep.

It is around (estimate) 9' high at the edges, and curves up to a point
in the centre.  There are six poles, one at each corner.  There are 3
wires joining opposite corners of the tent at the top of the poles; you
could suspend things from these if you liked; they were clearly quite

Jeff E

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: [rtlToronto] Roadshow 2003 Toronto
(...) Hey Andrew! The tent is a hexagonal structure with sides each about six feet long. In our situation, we had a 6 foot (two PNLTC half modules) by 12 foot train layout. We basically took up the center between two opposing sides, leaving a (...) (22 years ago, 8-Jul-03, to,

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