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 Organizations / Canada / rtlToronto / 8008
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Re: What kind of events do Ontario LEGO builders want? (Snow Brick TM)
Sat, 12 Jul 2003 21:16:15 GMT
2428 times
In, Allan Bedford wrote:
Or to know that participants get into the show free?
Yes, yes, and yes.

Well, the last two are solid 'Yes' answers.

I do like the  fact that the show is free to participants!
(For me that would be a draw to the event and to take-part)

for even one day?  How about if it was just to field questions from the
public and chat with the other participants?

I'm suer All of rtlToronto could show up en mass to the show if the group got
organized...i'd make the effort if there was an opportunity to hang out with
everyone and talk about the brick!

Will it happen again next year?  I'm not sure.
I hope it will happen again next year.
My reason for trying to generate some interest is that I fear this may be a
one-time-only deal.  And I think that would be a shame

Why would this be a one time only thing?!?
(It takes a few years for things like this to get rolling)

This could actually be the initial staging-grounds for a Canadian BrickFest!
(Ideas about Snow Brick TM have floated around for a while)

Well, yah...this could potentially be the biggest AFOL event in Canada within
the next 3 years. But you really need to net-work with Calum, and Chris in
Toronto, Pier and Jude in Ottawa, and the group in Montreal.

This can work, but it'll take time.
(Heck, if every one shows up this year and next, i'll  bring my Castle display)

Thanks for working so hard to promote this event.
This WILL work, but it'll take some time and effort!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: What kind of events do Ontario LEGO builders want? (Snow Brick TM)
(...) Hello Richard, Thanks for your comments! (...) Yes, I hoped that would help for people to know that. The show itself (apart from what we will contribute) is fun. And of course, there's always time to step away from the booth to wander the show (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jul-03, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What kind of events do Ontario LEGO builders want? (WAS Re: [rtlToronto] Roadshow 2003 Toronto)
(...) For the record, it's always held on the first full weekend of November. As well, it's not just a show for geeky adult men with hobbies. The quilting exhibit has become large over the last few years... great for wives that quilt or sew. There's (...) (22 years ago, 12-Jul-03, to,

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