In lugnet.events, Allan Bedford wrote:
> It's been a few weeks since the The Hobby Show in Toronto:
> http://news.lugnet.com/events/?n=1026
> And I'm curious to know what you think now that some time has passed.
> The 'you' I'm hoping to hear from is anyone who was a booth participant, anyone
> who came by to visit, anyone who wanted to attend but couldn't, or anyone else
> with a thought to share.
> I'm just wondering (in no particular order):
> - Did you enjoy doing a show like this?
I thought it was great overall. I thought A LOT of work went into the
organziation of the booth. GREAT JOB, Allan. I just wish I could have
made it out for more than just 1 day. (I had other work commitments
the other days).
> - Was it more/less work than you had anticipated?
I thought generally it was less work (as far as I was concerned) than
setting up for RTL Train display.
> - Now that it has happened once, are you more likely to attend a future show?
Oh yeah. Hanging out with Lego fans, especially ones that you don't hang
out with on a semi-regular basis was really good. I liked meeting
Jakob and Derek (tilt-a-whirl), and seeing how their NLSO's handled their
enthusiasm for the brick.
> - What was good about the booth?
It was kept simple, which I thought was a plus. The models were varied but
the selection displayed on the tables wasn't overwealming to the audience.
> - What was wrong with the booth?
While being pressed against the wall was nice, so we didn't have to fully
man the booth at all times, which allowed some wandering, or at least some
logical breaks in between, the overall layout had some to be desired, since
we had a large space (by the RC car track) which was completely open. There
could have been additional space for display.
> - Did we have too much table space? Too little?
I agree with others in saying that there was the optimal amount of space.
There wasn't too much table space, and there was enough room for those
who came each day with their models. I think in this respect, the booth
lucked out.
> - Is it worth doing this show again next year?
OH Yes. Definitely.
> - If we did attempt this again next year, what needs to change and what needs to
> stay the same?
have a little room between our booth and the RC booth. Those cars are
terribly distracting, and I thought there was a danger for some of those
cars to careen into our area and start taking out some of the brick that
was on the floor (as in Derek's Tilt-a-Whirl ride).
As I pointed out to Derek Raycraft, I thought it would have been cool to
have a couple of "building" sessions with his Space model. Taking it apart
throughout the day, and putting it together so the audience could fully
appreciate his efforts.
> - Did the 'mailing list' idea work? Did those who wanted information get what
> you were expecting?
I thought a lot of the info sent to me was useless. The information
about the International Center, and the link to it were nice. The e-mails
helped provide some "incentive" to finish up some of the stuff I wanted to
> - Did the 'Can-Brick Builders' name/concept work? Or was it just too confusing
> to explain to people who these people were? Should it have been called
> rtlToronto++ or some other name that would have better indicated who was
> participating?
I thought it was appropriate. rtlToronto prides itself in being pro-'botic
and pro-train, almost to the exclusion of others. Having a separate
"organization" allowed for others not associated with rtlToronto to
feel more at ease with participating with the group.
> - If you decided not to attend (for whatever reason) what might entice you to
> attend a future show?
> And, of course, any other thoughts or suggestions you may have.
none that I can think of at the moment.
> I'm not really trying to start a discussion about next year's Hobby Show, but
> rather to take a look at this year's show and see how everyone feels about our
> accomplishment. I'm not expecting everyone to answer every question, but
> perhaps you can share your thoughts on those topics that you feel strongly
> about.
> Thanks in advance!
> Allan B.
Thanks for posting it and for organizing it. It was well worth your
efforts. I had a blast!!!!
Ben M.
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