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Re: Geektalk.
Sat, 27 Feb 1999 18:32:11 GMT
322 times
Jasper Janssen <> wrote:

My 166MMX is finally obsolete.

My Abit BH6 and matching Celeron 300a arrived yesterday. I had to up
the Vcore to 2.10 before it would run stably at 450 :( What voltage
did you need, Mike?

I ran mostly fine at 450 at 2.0 for several months, although I did
have ocassional lockups.  I tried it at 464 at 2.1 and it worked fine
with ocassional lockups so I put it back to 450 at 2.1 and haven't had
a lockup since.

That's on my box.  The NT server machine I just built is running at
450 at 2.0 just fine, has been for a week now with no lockups.

I still have one more to build and it will either be Linux or Solaris,
haven't decided which.  I already have a Linux box at work running on
a 166mmx and it does an OK job for what I do with it.  If the rumors I
heard about free personal use of Solaris are true I'll probably give
it a whirl.

All of mine are retail versions so the third one should do it at 2.0
or 2.1 at most.

Anyway... rc5 contest jumped from 216 kkeys/sec to 1226 kkeys/sec,
approximately. Quake 2 went from 13 fps at all resolutions to 30-57,
depending on resolution. It appears I'm now being limited by my video,
but mu budget is gone, when combining $250 worth of computer and $120
worth of Metroliner and other stuff (see upcoming auction
announcement). No money for Voodoo II SLI, nor Voodoo III 3000/3500.

Did you say you liked Matrox?  I'll trade you a Marvel G200 for that
Metroliner.  :)  If you don't want that I could probably swing a
Voodoo II.  I wouldn't bother with Voodoo 3 if I were you.  V2 SLI
will do just as well, and the upcoming TNT SLI will do better.

Does anyone know if P-III runs on Slot 1 or otherwise? Haven't found a
tomshardware review, even though he's testing Voodoo-III's on
P-III/500 platforms...

Slot 1 yes.  Lower core voltage, though.  1.85 I think.  BX6-2
supports it out of the box.  Might have to update the bios on the BH6
to do it.

Anyway, just wanted to show off :)


We're going to put together a dual Celeron 400 rig at work in a couple
weeks.  Run Linux and dedicated Quake2 and Half-Life servers on it.

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Geektalk.
(...) Tried 2.05? (...) Hmm.. At 2.0, I locked immediately, 2.05, got me a lock within an hour, and now at 2.1 *appears* to be running alright.. (...) I already have a G200, and no real need for video-in. Sorry. And to tell you the truth - I intend (...) (26 years ago, 27-Feb-99, to

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Well.. My 166MMX is finally obsolete. My Abit BH6 and matching Celeron 300a arrived yesterday. I had to up the Vcore to 2.10 before it would run stably at 450 :( What voltage did you need, Mike? Anyway... rc5 contest jumped from 216 kkeys/sec to (...) (26 years ago, 27-Feb-99, to

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