Re: True Right Wing Fascists
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 15:34:36 GMT
383 times
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In, Scott Edward Sanburn writes:
> I think it is funny, though, that extremists that are portrayed in the
> media and other avenues of life seem to be right wing, and those
> extremists on the left (Including *some* environmentalists, animal
> rights, etc. are seen as caring, or deeply committed.) I have never
> heard, in any of the standard media, environmentalists being called
> extremists. It is a bias, that is uncalled for.
True enough--I hadn't thought of that before. I've heard environmentalists
referred to as "radical" or "fringe" before, but those words seem somehow to
have a different resonance...
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: True Right Wing Fascists
| (...) I've heard and read "Environmental Extremists" plenty of times, if only because it alliterates. Radical, fringe, zealot, and fanatic all carry perjorative images in any case. Bruce (25 years ago, 19-Jan-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: True Right Wing Fascists
| (...) That's great. (...) (I had to type this twice now, since Netscape crashed) I have never said that *all* environmentalists are worshipping earth pagans. I remember saying some are, however. I think it is funny, though, that extremists that are (...) (25 years ago, 19-Jan-00, to
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