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 Off-Topic / Debate / 3838
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Re: True Right Wing Fascists
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 15:34:36 GMT
383 times

In, Scott Edward Sanburn writes:
I think it is funny, though, that extremists that are portrayed in the
media and other avenues of life seem to be right wing, and those
extremists on the left (Including *some* environmentalists, animal
rights, etc. are seen as caring, or deeply committed.) I have never
heard, in any of the standard media, environmentalists being called
extremists. It is a bias, that is uncalled for.

  True enough--I hadn't thought of that before.  I've heard environmentalists
referred to as "radical" or "fringe" before, but those words seem somehow to
have a different resonance...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: True Right Wing Fascists
(...) I've heard and read "Environmental Extremists" plenty of times, if only because it alliterates. Radical, fringe, zealot, and fanatic all carry perjorative images in any case. Bruce (25 years ago, 19-Jan-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: True Right Wing Fascists
(...) That's great. (...) (I had to type this twice now, since Netscape crashed) I have never said that *all* environmentalists are worshipping earth pagans. I remember saying some are, however. I think it is funny, though, that extremists that are (...) (25 years ago, 19-Jan-00, to

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