Re: Sports scores redux( Re: For Sean...
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 20:15:26 GMT
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> In, Pedro Silva writes:
> > In, Sean Devolites writes:
> <snip>
> When did this become off-topic.sports? :-)
I just carried on with the thread... :-)
> Maybe these footie scores (or whatever they are) belong in, if
> anywhere?
Ouch! That hurt! :-P
But yes, you have a point. I suppose o-t.d isn't the proper place for
them... it's not a topic that "fits in" with the rest.
> Call me grumpy (the tiggers are 1 and 18 or something ridiculous, and the
> Wings got eliminated in 4 straight, so I don't even mildly care about my
> home teams at the moment), but if there's anything to debate here it's the
> notion that sports beyond ones you participate in yourself are anything to
> actually care about.
Who told you I don't participate in soccer? ;-)
> Me, I'll go to a game and have fun but I just don't care about it much and
> I'd even venture that people who DO care are somehow fundamentally different
> than me.
> I care about my kids and the real problems of the world.
Well, this is where it can become a topic for debate...
I am not the biggest of the soccer fans, and quite frankly I only care to
watch the game if my team is playing any big match - so I guess I'm not even
close to the hardcore fan you describe.
But I do get great joy from "my" team's victory, and I suffer with their
defeat... This I am unable to explain rationally in any convincing way, but
I may venture that soccer is the second most universal form of interaction
(right after music), because somehow it touches deep inside of much of the
world's population. It has been said that the sheer simplicity of the game
(one ball, two goals, play with anything but hands for 90 minutes, and keep
*some* fair play) is behind the almost total dissemination of the game,
being so easy to learn and play as it is.
Not to mention this is the last breath of the Middle Ages jousts or even the
Roman gladiators, when confrontation was rough but still followed some
rules. The logical evolution was to kick the ball instead of the opponent,
and make your gains visible (ie, goals) instead of determined by jury or by
the opponent's death/injury.
BTW, to like sports and get emotional about it does not have any relation
with liking or loving anything else; I'm sure you can agree that the vast
majority of the soccer fans will have the same love for their families or
concern about the world as you do, and that they will not be distracted from
such important things for more than the game's duration...
> Oh, and toys like LEGO and games and SF and anime and stuff... you know,
> important stuff.
See? :-)
(Halftime update: Lazio 0, Porto 0; Boavista 0, Celtic 0 - all is well... :-D)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Sports scores redux( Re: For Sean...
| (...) <snip> When did this become off-topic.sports? :-) Maybe these footie scores (or whatever they are) belong in, if anywhere? Call me grumpy (the tiggers are 1 and 18 or something ridiculous, and the Wings got eliminated in 4 (...) (22 years ago, 24-Apr-03, to
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