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 Off-Topic / Debate / 20643
20642  |  20644
Re: For Sean...
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 13:35:30 GMT
399 times
In, David Koudys writes:
Again, if I were a hockey fan I might know fer sure who was still innit.  I
grew up in a sea of hockey fans so all my info is thru them.

I think the Sens are still in and I know the Canucks are.

So Vancouver or Ottawa--two teams i don't have much faith in.
Ottawas a good one.  They played well even when they weren't being
payed at all.  Now thats cool.

So nope--no bet.

I think it's gonna come down to the "New" Minnesota against the "Old"
Minnesota (the old Minnesota Northstars who are now--what?  Dallas N Stars?)
Dallas Stars to be exact.  Yea, that would be cool, but id love to see
the Ducks vs. Wild.

That'd be a fun series.

Dave K
Hasta la Vista, Sean

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: For Sean...
(...) Again, if I were a hockey fan I might know fer sure who was still innit. I grew up in a sea of hockey fans so all my info is thru them. I think the Sens are still in and I know the Canucks are. So Vancouver or Ottawa--two teams i don't have (...) (22 years ago, 23-Apr-03, to

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