Re: someone has to say it...
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 10:24:10 GMT
179 times
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In, Kirby Warden writes:
> Do you really think that choosing to raise a family is tatamount to
> inflicting a prohibitive "medical condition" on ones self?
During pregnancy, women do experience a "condition" (my wife is dealing with it
right now). She is less able to perform physically. She goes to the car most
work days and takes a one hourish nap. And she makes up the time. But she
just _could not_ be productive all day without that. It has affected her work
performance. Why should AT&T eat the loss that she (we) chose to make?
> Is a persons only purpose in life to work for a corporate entity who shows
> no humanity in the regulating of its workforce?
From the point of view of an employer, the people who make the company's
business happen are human capital. That might mean that being flexible makes
the most sense because they want to attract and retain good people, or it might
mean that those who can't cut it need to hit the road. In fact, it does mean
both of those things in different situations. Companies needn't think about
the overall purpose of _your_ life. That's for _you_ to do.
I agree entirely with the stance that Tom Stangl has taken. I personally,
wouldn't object to giving women PTO for their little problems. :-) But I
would a great deal if I thought they were being abused. And how would I know?
If a company wants to encourage the employees engaging in a family lifestyle,
and I can see how that would be good for the company, then they probably ought
to provide equal leave for men and women. At Bristol-Myers Squibb, where I
work, that mean PTO for both parents. At AT&T that means up to a year of
unpaid family leave with the assurance of a job when you return.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: someone has to say it...
| (...) *Little* problems? Ho ho ho... I dunno, I wouldn't call them that little. <only half tongue in cheek here> I know this varies, but some people I know, me included, have a lot more than just a "little" problem with the period. And I dislike the (...) (24 years ago, 3-Jul-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | someone has to say it...
| With regards to some of the replys in the "sexism" debate... Do you really think that choosing to raise a family is tatamount to inflicting a prohibitive "medical condition" on ones self? Is a persons only purpose in life to work for a corporate (...) (24 years ago, 1-Jul-01, to
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