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 Marketplace / Auctions / 3932
3931  |  3933
Re: Ebay auction advice
Fri, 14 Jan 2000 03:25:21 GMT
472 times
In, Heather Patey writes:
In, Dan Jezek writes:

If you're running windows 95 or higher, you can rotate the image in Paint and
cut out the part of the image you want.  Then set image attributes to be 1x1
pixels and paste the image.  When asked if you want to enlarge the bitmap,
click yes and you'll be left with a final image the same size you cut.  Not
really as hard as it might sound.

I must disagree with Dan here - Paint only works with BMP files, which don't
load in browsers.  Typical idiocy on the part of Windows, but something to be
aware of.

Windown 98 version of Paint works with JPG and GIF files.  Win 95 version
probably doesn't.  The last time I checked, IE5 displays bitmaps.  But if you
want to convert them to JPG, ACDsee has a converter also.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ebay auction advice
(...) I must disagree with Dan here - Paint only works with BMP files, which don't load in browsers. Typical idiocy on the part of Windows, but something to be aware of. (...) ACDsee sounds good, must check it out. I use Paint Shop Pro for (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jan-00, to

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