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Re: Ebay auction advice
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 12:50:43 GMT
511 times
D. Jezek wrote in message ...
In, Alan Demlow writes:

You can also link to the item page on lugnet, but in my experience, • actual
pictures of your items seem to really help.  I use a digital camera to • make
easier, just snap, download to pc and put in listing.  Or take pictures • on
film, an develop/scan or get them developed on disk or photo-cd.  This • takes
a bit longer than just linking to catalog pictures, but is worth the • effort.

Yes, I've linked to the item page on Lugnet as well, but would really like
catalog or instruction scans.  problem is, i don't have a scanner or • digital
camera myself, nor do I have any sort of photo-editing capabilities for
situations such as when Brickshelf images are rotated and have lots of
extraneous stuff on them (not just a good set picture).

If you're running windows 95 or higher, you can rotate the image in Paint • and
cut out the part of the image you want.  Then set image attributes to be • 1x1
pixels and paste the image.  When asked if you want to enlarge the bitmap,
click yes and you'll be left with a final image the same size you cut.  Not
really as hard as it might sound.
You can also get ACDsee for free which is an image browser.  It lets you
rotate any number of pictures you specify.  So if you download 100 pages of
instructions and half of them are upside down, just ctrl-click on the ones • you
want to rotate and then select how many degrees to rotate.  Click on rotate
all.  It works pretty fast.

   (Drifting off topic)
   You can download Lview for free, which in my experience is a better and
easier image editor than ACDSee. Paint Shop Pro has a 30 day evaluation, and
is even better (more complex but does more).  Lview is probably the quickest
to download of those three.  I don't know if Lview has rotate all, though,
but if you have to do custom cropping, that function won't save you much
time, either.  Maybe someone should suggest that rotate all function to
Kevin, though I thought it was in his upload instructions to properly
orientated the scans before uploading.  But beggars can't be choosers, eh.
   Have fun!
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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Ebay auction advice
(...) it (...) If you're running windows 95 or higher, you can rotate the image in Paint and cut out the part of the image you want. Then set image attributes to be 1x1 pixels and paste the image. When asked if you want to enlarge the bitmap, click (...) (25 years ago, 13-Jan-00, to

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