Re: australia and new zealand, your moment has come!
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 12:18:47 GMT
46 times
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In, Brad Justus writes:
> I am pleased to announce that LEGO Shop At Home service will be available to
> Australia and New Zealand beginning Thursday, October 4 (yes, October 4 of
> this year, for the cynics among you...).
> You will be able to order essentially the entire LEGO retail assortment (as
> seen in our online shop) as well as all LEGO Direct exclusive items (trains,
> sculptures -- including the Sopwith Camel and the new Star Wars sculptures
> -- bulk elements, and more). Pricing will be in your local currencies; for
> retail items, prices will be consistent with what you'd expect to pay in
> your local shop. LEGO Direct exclusive items will be priced consistently
> with what you see on, adjusted for currency rates. (For example,
> the Sopwith Camel will be AUD 76.95 and NZD 89.95.)
> Initially, you will be able to place orders only through the online shop
> (; we are planning to add freephone order service in a
> few weeks. Shipments will come from the LEGO Direct fulfillment center in
> Europe; due to the significant time difference, this will have the
> interesting effect of being able to have your order shipped the day before
> you place it (how's that for service?).
> As those of you Down Under are no doubt aware, shipping costs to Australia
> can be very high. We are working with our carriers to minimize these costs
> as much as possible, and we will also be subsidizing rates to you for the
> introductory period. But we would encourage you to think of creative ways to
> reduce these costs further, such as working with your local LUGs to group
> your orders together into one order wherever possible.
> We don't really have the opportunity at the moment to promote or advertise
> LEGO Shop At Home in Australia or New Zealand, so anything you can do to
> spread the word of its availability is very much appreciated.
> Our team has worked very hard over the past few months to offer LEGO Shop At
> Home to Australia and New Zealand -- overcoming the technical and logistic
> issues has not been easy, but we think that you'll find it was worth the
> wait. We look forward to serving you and offering you the same terrific
> service that our other LEGO Shop At Home countries enjoy. (For the record,
> you will be the 14th and 15th countries to which we offer service -- we
> added France at the beginning of the month and Finland this week.
> Switzerland is coming soon.)
> Shop Well! (And then, of course, Play Well.)
> -- Brad
> Brad Justus
> Senior Vice President, LEGO Direct
> P.S. Will someone please cross-post this to the relevant groups (such as
>; I can't post there. Thanks.
Well done :) as a minor cynic I am happy to see the arrival of this (though
my LEGO budget won't be ;) )
However there are a couple of minor issues I'd appreciate enlightenment about:
1) If this service just went live a few hours ago, how are there so many
items that are "no longer available"?
<and on a side note: why show items that are not available?>
2) A couple of months ago I was in communication with the S@H reps in the US
about an order for, amongst other things, a 7000 baby ankylosaurus. The
problem I had was that the image shown was different to te set received. The
reply I got:
"Dear LEGO® Shop at Home Customer,
We appreciate your pointing out the photography error of the Young
Ankylosaurus on our website.
Our product brochures and photos on our website are sometimes produced
many months prior to the introduction of a new product line. Thus,
alterations are sometimes made to the packaging or contents of a
particular item after brochure photography has been completed. In this
instance, the Young Ankylosaurus was changed slightly after the product
brochure was printed. This dinosaur does come with 1x1 cones on its
back; not with the inverted 2x2 corners as shown on the website. Also,
this dinosaur is a pale green color, not a bright green.
<snip out reply about another problem>
Thank you again for notifying us. I will pass this email along to our
website designers for their information.
However, when looking at this set now, the SAME, INCORRECT image is still
being shown...Any idea why?
Other than that, the shop looks good
Benjamin Whytcross
Lugnet member 407
Message has 2 Replies:
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 | | australia and new zealand, your moment has come!
| I am pleased to announce that LEGO Shop At Home service will be available to Australia and New Zealand beginning Thursday, October 4 (yes, October 4 of this year, for the cynics among you...). You will be able to order essentially the entire LEGO (...) (23 years ago, 28-Sep-01, to !!
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