Re: 29th Feb. Sydney Meet.
Fri, 20 Feb 2004 02:48:04 GMT
1155 times
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In, Richie Dulin wrote:
> In, Pete White wrote:
> > In, James Howse wrote:
> >
> > Maybe we should be scoffing cross ants and Freed... french fries, washed down
> > with bowls of caffeine (to keep with the theme of the day) ?
> My pedantic nature dictates that I must point out that cross ants are not
> French! Cross ants are {Austrian}!!.
Didn't Napper fight the Austrians ? When captured they became 'pastries-of-war'
and many years later were the 'toast of Paris', after gaining Fren.. freedom.
Anyway, one particularly Austrian cross ant became Fuhrer.
> > > P.S. Anyone got a shako and yellow epualets I can borrow? I'm one short.
> Almost certainly.
The Fuhrer was (one) short.
> > Anyone interested in doing MOCs based around a theme ?
> I can do mocking based around a theme...
> > For example the Space P-38 tribute............anyone ?
> My forays into space have not been wildly successful. And saying "SPACE!!!" just
> doesn't do it for me.
Just leave the wings off your MOC and see if anyone notices.
Shout "SPACE" and see if anyone notices.
pete.w (in Space no-one can eat your ice-cream)
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: 29th Feb. Sydney Meet.
| (...) He fought pretty much everyone, I think! <snip> (...) They'd notice *that*! (...) I just tried that - got some cubicle meerkatting in response, but they didn't think it was funny either. I guess you had to be there at the time. ("Where?" (...) (21 years ago, 20-Feb-04, to
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: 29th Feb. Sydney Meet.
| (...) A date that occurs infrequently seems appropriate for a meeting that occurs infrequently! (...) My pedantic nature dictates that I must point out that cross ants are not French! Cross ants are {Austrian}!!. (...) Sounds like a good idea! (...) (...) (21 years ago, 20-Feb-04, to
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