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Re: 29th Feb. Sydney Meet.
Fri, 20 Feb 2004 02:48:04 GMT
1155 times
In, Richie Dulin wrote:
In, Pete White wrote:
In, James Howse wrote:

Maybe we should be scoffing cross ants and Freed... french fries, washed down
with bowls of caffeine (to keep with the theme of the day) ?

My pedantic nature dictates that I must point out that cross ants are not
French! Cross ants are {Austrian}!!.

Didn't Napper fight the Austrians ? When captured they became 'pastries-of-war'
and many years later were the 'toast of Paris', after gaining Fren.. freedom.

Anyway, one particularly Austrian cross ant became Fuhrer.

P.S. Anyone got a shako and yellow epualets I can borrow? I'm one short.

Almost certainly.

The Fuhrer was (one) short.

Anyone interested in doing MOCs based around a theme ?

I can do mocking based around a theme...


For example the Space P-38 tribute............anyone ?

My forays into space have not been wildly successful. And saying "SPACE!!!" just
doesn't do it for me.

Just leave the wings off your MOC and see if anyone notices.
Shout "SPACE" and see if anyone notices.

pete.w (in Space no-one can eat your ice-cream)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 29th Feb. Sydney Meet.
(...) He fought pretty much everyone, I think! <snip> (...) They'd notice *that*! (...) I just tried that - got some cubicle meerkatting in response, but they didn't think it was funny either. I guess you had to be there at the time. ("Where?" (...) (21 years ago, 20-Feb-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 29th Feb. Sydney Meet.
(...) A date that occurs infrequently seems appropriate for a meeting that occurs infrequently! (...) My pedantic nature dictates that I must point out that cross ants are not French! Cross ants are {Austrian}!!. (...) Sounds like a good idea! (...) (...) (21 years ago, 20-Feb-04, to

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