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Re: 29th Feb. Sydney Meet.
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 02:22:36 GMT
1165 times
In, James Howse wrote:
The next Sydney meet (barring a great outcry regarding date or venue) is
Sunday 29th Feburary. 12amish to about 6ish
James Howse's place Dee Why
There will be:
Showing off of MOCs (even non LEGO ones. This means YOU Richard.)
BrikWars (see below)
If you're after shopping, Warringah Mall is more or less on the way and you
should have (make?) time before the meeting starts to check out BigW, Target,
GraceBros (er... Myer?!?) and Uncle Pete's.

Any questions? email me!
Oh. You'll probably need my address. I'll mass mail it to anyone who replys >here or sends a question

Ok. have sent contact and address details to people. If you haven't got the
details by the time you read this, e-mail me or post here, I've probably just
stuffed you the address I should have sent it to.

Hope to see you all there!

Message is in Reply To:
  29th Feb. Sydney Meet.
The next Sydney meet (barring a great outcry regarding date or venue) is Sunday 29th Feburary. 12amish to about 6ish James Howse's place Dee Why There will be: Showing off of MOCs (even non LEGO ones. This means YOU Richard.) BrikWars (see below) (...) (21 years ago, 19-Feb-04, to

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