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Re: 29th Feb. Sydney Meet.
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 02:44:59 GMT
1405 times
In, James Howse wrote:
   In, Richie Dulin wrote:
   In, Pete White wrote:
   Brikwars. It is an age of bright uniforms and marching to and fro. Of horse and cannon and charging into the fray. An age not unlike the boxing day sales (except for the cannons... maybe). It is the age of Napoleon and Europe at war! To play please bring ALL of the following five things. 1. Some Napoleonicish troops(if you can’t muster some perhaps ask Richie if you can borrow some)

Remember to ask nicely (unless you want to end up with the Spanish).

Sorry. I threw that in without running it past you.

I was joking about the Spanish! :-)

Happy to supply French and British as needed.

   2008? Cool. We’ll all be able to drive there in our jet cars ;-)

Perhaps that should be the theme then? STUDS 2008.

I thought for a moment that was STUDS 200B. What a strange choice for a jet car.

But I have some space (SPACE!... nuh) mocs to bring along - the Space Bubble Car and my new Deep Space Fighters and their carrier!


Richie Dulin

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 29th Feb. Sydney Meet.
(...) Sorry. I threw that in without running it past you. (...) You'd probably get my addres twice. (...) Thanks! (...) Perhaps that should be the theme then? STUDS 2008. (21 years ago, 23-Feb-04, to

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