Is LUGNET working?
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 19:55:33 GMT
721 times
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Like many of you, I have started reading rtl less and depend more and more on
LUGNET for my Lego news. I also enjoy the sense of community that LUGNET
fosters. But I do have some concerns about LUGNET. There seems to be a lot of
Lego information that gets posted to rtl yet never makes it to LUGNET. Some
basic things like discussions about new additions to the official Lego site, or
things seen in a Lego catalog are discussed on rtl, but not on LUGNET.
Recently, there was a thread on rtl about a Master Builder's model that Rosie
O'Donnell was auctioning. To me, these are important news tidbits that I
regret having missed by not reading rtl on a regular basis. Also, LUGNET,
especially recently, has more messages devoted to Star Wars and off-topic
discussions than to Lego. I realize that rtl threads veer off-topic and that
there are many newsgroups on LUGNET that I don't have to subscribe to, but I am
concerned that LUGNET as a whole is losing its focus on Lego. A lot fewer
"new" people find LUGNET compared to rtl and this might be making LUGNET a less
vital place to hold Lego discussions. Does anyone else sense a problem here?
What can be done about it?
Thomas Main
Message has 4 Replies: | | Re: Is LUGNET working?
| Good questions. I don't have any answers except to point out that I don't read RTL much either. One more question to ponder, are we posting the "hey, come on over to Lugnet" posts as much as we used to? I haven't done one in a while. (26 years ago, 1-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)
| | | Re: Is LUGNET working?
| (...) of (...) or (...) <snipped concerns> Certain items don't make it because although it *is* superior, Todd (at least) once said he didn't intend Lugnet to replace rtl, so it doesn't. If it does end up replacing it gradually via steady trickle, (...) (26 years ago, 1-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)
| | | Re: Is LUGNET working?
| I think there are too many news groups on LUGNET! I don't have time to follow them all (and I don't *want* to follow them all), but there is one thing that really bugs me: I *hate* to see the 'follow-ups set to <any group I do not usually read>', (...) (26 years ago, 1-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)
| | | Re: Is LUGNET working?
| (...) I posted that initial post on rtl about Rosie's auction. I was going to post to .auction, but didn't because I had a problem once again with posting a link. I was going to cut & paste my rtl post to .auction, when I hit send I got an error (...) (26 years ago, 2-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)
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