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Re: Lego in Fastcompany magazine
Fri, 17 Aug 2001 13:52:44 GMT
1243 times
I found this statement interesting,

"Lego Direct, the catalog and Internet-sales division, produced the Sopwith
Camel biplane kit. The plane was designed in a single day, and the kit was
approved in something like two weeks."

The Sopwith Camel is the best model that Lego has come out with in a long
time. Does this mean that all the Jack Stone sets were designed during a
lunch break? :)


"Bryan Kinkel" <> wrote in message
The September 2001 issue of FastCompany magazine has a good article about
Lego and the marketing challenges faced by them. The cover of the magazine
reads "Lego's Strategic Stumbles."

While most of us are aware of the issues facing Lego, it is a good read.

An online version may be found here -


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Lego in Fastcompany magazine
(...) LOL =) ~Nathan (24 years ago, 17-Aug-01, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Lego in Fastcompany magazine
(...) Wow! Whoever designed that model in one day is a pure genious! I can hardly believe that. (...) Keep in mind that the Jack Stone sets required new molds, which are generally hard to design. While the 'Camel only used existing molds, the Jack (...) (24 years ago, 17-Aug-01, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Lego in Fastcompany magazine
(...) Although it is a funny comment on the attractiveness of Jack Stone, this doesn't fit entirely with what Brad J. said at BrickFest. Nice angle though... That talk related that the plane wasn't designed for an immediate production. It was going (...) (24 years ago, 18-Aug-01, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Lego in Fastcompany magazine
The September 2001 issue of FastCompany magazine has a good article about Lego and the marketing challenges faced by them. The cover of the magazine reads "Lego's Strategic Stumbles." While most of us are aware of the issues facing Lego, it is a (...) (24 years ago, 17-Aug-01, to lugnet.general)  

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