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Re: New Bulk Color Available... Brown!!! Slopes and Bricks!!!
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 18:45:56 GMT
970 times
In lugnet.general, Jake McKee writes:
In lugnet.general, Eric Kingsley writes: • <snip>

SKU     Size/Color              Name            Qty.

3751 1x2 Bricks brown Brick 1x2 100
3752 1x6 Bricks brown Brick 1x6 50
3753 2x2 Bricks brown Brick 2x2 100
3754 2x4 Bricks brown Brick 2x4 50
3755 2x4 Roof tile brown Roof tile 2x4 50
3756 2x4 Ridge tile brown Ridge tile 2x4 25

They should be available on or around Feb. 29, so hang tight, they are
almost here!

Boy I hope we are both being bad with dates today... If we have to wait until
Feb. 29 that means we will have to wait until 2004 ;-).

I bet you meant either Feb. 28 or Mar. 1.

Eric Kingsley

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Bulk Color Available... Brown!!! Slopes and Bricks!!!
(...) More good news from LEGO Direct!! I am happy to pass on some bulk brick news. Eric beat me to the announcement since I have been really busy this morning! The next round of bulks will be the following selection: SKU Size/Color Name Qty. 3751 (...) (24 years ago, 20-Feb-01, to lugnet.general,

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