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 General / 18155
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Green 2x2 Convex Corners!
Wed, 10 May 2000 14:54:22 GMT
518 times
On the plus side, the cracked roadplate and the black girders supporting the
lights look very interesting.  Of special note is the large green T-Rex foot
in the last picture.  I believe that's a green 2x2 convex corner I spy!


Alan Gerber <> wrote in
First, for those that haven't yet seen it, here are pictures of the big • set: .  Look at those pieces... • earthquake
plate... supports for spotlights... lots of green slopes... and some odd • yellow
plate that a cord goes in... and something designed to make the buildings
collapse(new?)!  And according to something in the media section, movement
sticks to make the figs look like they're moving on their own.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Green 2x2 Convex Corners!
(...) Yup, there's two of 'em. Jeff (24 years ago, 10-May-00, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego and Speilberg?
First, for those that haven't yet seen it, here are pictures of the big set: (URL) . Look at those pieces... earthquake plate... supports for spotlights... lots of green slopes... and some odd yellow plate that a cord goes in... and something (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.general) ! 

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