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 General / 18171
18170  |  18172
Re: Lego and Speilberg?
Wed, 10 May 2000 20:42:33 GMT
526 times
In lugnet.general, Bram Lambrecht writes:
In lugnet.general, Alan Gerber writes:
First, for those that haven't yet seen it, here are pictures of the big set: .

Couldn't they offer some pictures less than 2000 pixels wide and less than 1
Mb?  Could some please reduce these pics to, say 150 Kb and either post them
somewhere or offer them by email?
They do, just click on the actual thumbnail, rather than clicking on the
download link.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego and Speilberg?
(...) Couldn't they offer some pictures less than 2000 pixels wide and less than 1 Mb? Could some please reduce these pics to, say 150 Kb and either post them somewhere or offer them by email? TIA, --Bram (24 years ago, 10-May-00, to lugnet.general)

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