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 General / 18129
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Re: Lego and Speilberg?
Tue, 9 May 2000 20:57:21 GMT
446 times
Is it only me that's totally unenthusiastic about such ventures by Lego?
Am I the only one that thinks Lego getting into software is a poor move, at
least on current track record?

There's no contest there. Making educaional software without making it multi-
platform is like building a bike without wheels. Perhaps they will decide to
create certain pieces of software specifically for adults rather than trying to
appeal to everyone.

Is it just me that wishes Lego would just concentrate on making some decent
sets for a change, such as a train that looks like a train or town sets that
are not juniorised?

Or real space sets rather than Star Wars ____. I long for the return/update of
my beloved M-tron. Waiting until 2006 for another space set doesn't do much to
change that opinion.

I alos wouldn't mind seeing Technic sets that weren't rehashes of older sets.
How many different colored race cars do we really need to see anyway? I think
this is part of the reason that the space shuttle and super car appealed to so
many. They weren't the same as everything that came before.

Or did I just get out of bed the wrong side today?

I wasn't there, so I'm not sure which side you normally get out on. If you hit
your head, chances are good that you exited on the wrong side. ;-)



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego and Speilberg?
(...) that (...) Lego. (...) Is it only me that's totally unenthusiastic about such ventures by Lego? Am I the only one that thinks Lego getting into software is a poor move, at least on current track record? Is it just me that wishes Lego would (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.general)

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