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 General / 18138
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Re: Lego and Speilberg?
Tue, 9 May 2000 23:50:35 GMT
443 times
In lugnet.general, Lawrence Wilkes writes:
Is it only me that's totally unenthusiastic about such ventures by Lego?
Am I the only one that thinks Lego getting into software is a poor move, at
least on current track record?
Is it just me that wishes Lego would just concentrate on making some decent
sets for a change, such as a train that looks like a train or town sets that
are not juniorised?

I don't quite care about their software, either. However, this Speilberg deal
gives Lego a good opportunity to release a bunch of great sets as parts of the
product line. If this happens I will be very happy.

However, as you have pointed out, their current track record is not that
great. This time they will have to release something better than the Rock

Almost all the Mindstorms sets and expansion packs come with software on CD-
ROM. However, if you read lugnet.robotics, you will find that almost everybody
judge the worthiness of these sets solely by their part lists, and nobody
cares about the bundled software.

There is one exception, though. People who teaches kids using the Mindstorm
products seems to give these bundled software quite a high opinion.

Maybe we don't care about their software, because these software are not
targeted to people at our ages.

Hao-yang Wang

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego and Speilberg?
(...) that (...) Lego. (...) Is it only me that's totally unenthusiastic about such ventures by Lego? Am I the only one that thinks Lego getting into software is a poor move, at least on current track record? Is it just me that wishes Lego would (...) (24 years ago, 9-May-00, to lugnet.general)

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