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Re: It's not my "Dark Ages" but what is it?
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 14:00:47 GMT
599 times
I found that lots of time spend organizing bricks reduced my non-virtual
inspiration as well.

My suggestion:  buy a $20-30 set and build an alternate model.  One of the
panelists at MindFest had a great quote, something to the effect that the
limitations of "form" actually enhance creativity.  By limiting myself to the
pieces in one set, I had to be more creative in using those pieces.  It's been
fun recently buying the McDonalds sets and building alternates--talk about

Hmmm.....this just made me think of an exercise I did one time for fun.

Before when I had all of my LEGO (see my post "very long super ramble for the
reason why I don't have my LEGO), I used to keep it all just in a big rubbermaid
tub - no sorting at all, just mixed in together.  One day after I had been
building for quite a long time, and all of the LEGO was back in the bucket for the
day, I was just sitting there staring at it.  After a bit, I just reached in and
grabbed two handfuls of pieces without looking and forced myself to build
something and I had to use ALL of the pieces (remember, EVERYTHING was included, I
could have got some plain bricks, some plates, headlights, parts of minifigs or
maybe even a whole minifig, etc).  I think that I did allow myself to always have
one baseplate on hand as a starting point if I wished.  It was actually very
inspiring.  Sure, anything that I built looked like a goldfish made it, but it
forced me to think about what I was going to do with the pieces to make it awe
inspiring.  Later on, I did the same thing over again only my brother was with
me.  Within the simple set of defined rules, we both had to take the same amount
of pieces and see which creation turned out better.  It was actually quite fun.
Maybe you could try something like this.  It might sound really dumb, but it
really make you look at your LEGO pieces in different ways.

-Tim Culberson

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: It's not my "Dark Ages" but what is it?
(...) the (...) been (...) rubbermaid (...) the (...) and (...) included, I (...) or (...) have (...) amount (...) fun. (...) I've often thought it would be fun to throw a party and just have the big Rubbermaid tub-o-legos out on the coffee table, (...) (25 years ago, 22-Nov-99, to lugnet.general)

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  Re: It's not my "Dark Ages" but what is it?
James Wilson <> wrote in message (...) post (...) get (...) I found that lots of time spend organizing bricks reduced my non-virtual inspiration as well. My suggestion: buy a $20-30 set and (...) (25 years ago, 19-Nov-99, to lugnet.general)

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