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Re: Rules Talk: JumpShip Ideas
Fri, 30 May 2003 00:22:44 GMT
2139 times
In lugnet.gaming.starship, Lindsay Frederick Braun wrote:


   If I may interject, as someone who's mulling over
   joining up (unless my lack of any actual Brick at
   the moment is an intent-killer) and has read the
   rules as a fresh outsider:

Heck no!  Get in here :-)

Ferries (or "tenders" as my High Guard-bent brain
tends to think of them) were precisely the issue
that I thought about as reading the rules and the
NG discussions last night.  Carriers aren't such a
concern because the fighter craft are clearly sub-
ordinate, but the ferry is another matter.  I would
tend to think that, given the rarity of true gate
drives, that they would be "destabilized" if they
increase by a great mass over their empty size.
Those are precision instruments, after all, not
enormous "public" JumpGates for which a gigantic
warship is a tiny speck of mass that can be offset
easily.  That right there would probably rule out, Ferries, because unlike a carrier that
carries perhaps 8-10% of its mass as fighter craft
(and those at all times) a tender would carry 60
to 80 per cent of its mass as indepenedent and
temporary ships.  Allowing ferry JumpShips ("GateShips?")
would seem severely unbalancing unless a *further*
cost were added (with concomitant complexity, yuck).
I'd suggest close the door on Ferries with gating
capability that can carry more than one pre-designated
ship (like K-T drives in BattleTech's, well, "JumpShips").
But, of course, as an outsider, feel free to tell
me to go soak my head.  ;)

I agree completely.

I presume there is no classification or limit on
"ship sizes"--that these are fully subsumed into
the three-tier qualitative system?  (e.g., you can
make that Death Star, but it's no better than any
other HQ-stat in the galaxy, and just looks all the
more ridiculous when it gets blown up by a flagship

The tiers are more a guide to the GM and SMs, and other players.

The propulsion tiers impact on galactic movement, but not much on in-sector
movement (GM monitors and administers)

Sensors impact on the quality of in sector sensor detail and range (SMs

Weapons and armour impact on combat outcomes (SMs wield reality)

Of course a high weapons Death Star outguns a high weapons frigate, but knowing
that they are high weapons tells us more about their nature and capability.
Actual combat will be a battle of strategy, fortune and lucidity between two
storytellers and mediated by the SM :-)

Ships with the lesser 'JumpGate Generator' type engines would have some
more strategic options, and could get about the large distances of the map
more speedily (max three weeks).  It would also mean that a ship using its
engines to create an adhoc exit gate would be isolated from JumpSpace for
three weeks until the engines recharged.

I do like the basic idea here.  But I am concerned with the complexity of
how to explain it.  I would rather keep the rules as simple as possible.
So a Medium JumpShip (or whatever name we want to give it) has a choice
between a three-week jump between any two points, or a one-week jump as
long as one of the two points is an existing Gate?  Could work.  I think
worrying about recharging times before and after is an extra complexity we
don't need in the rules.  Plus it would add the requirement that the GM
would then need to spend more time tracking who is charged and who is not.
I'd rather leave recharge times out of it, and just say that the recharge
is included in the time required for the given jump.  Otherwise, I like
your revised proposal.

Or, perhaps, have it require two weeks in JumpSpace,
irrespective of destination.  That would still confer a
benefit for the investment, without making it overpowering.

I dealt with the administration burden in a previous post.  I guess I see
gameplay in the two different options, and would probably recommend keeping the
distinction.  I'd be happy to write a treatise attachment to the rules on
JumpSpace, with worked examples to help out newbie galactic navigators :-)

With the number of ships flying about, it would be too much work for the GM
(IMO) to actually roll on a chart for every ship.  But with JumpShips, and
there being never more than 5 per player, it would be easier to manage.  As
current GM, I would be willing to put together a chart especially catered
to JumpSpace travel.  The possibility of the unexpected actually would be
yet another way to prevent over-usage of JumpShips.

If it can be made wieldy for the GM, then that sounds like
a very neat idea.

And Hendo's trying to integrate the thinking with the propulsion tiers is
most laudable.

Thank you. :)   ...I have always liked the 3-tier system for describing
things for this game.  I think one reason we left out discussing Jump rules
for so long is that they did not fit in perfectly with the 3-tier (we had
slow, medium, fast, and wait there's a fourth one!! ack!).  So, I came up
with this latest plan of having them take up extra slots versus medium or
fast.  ...The only other way to deal with it that I can think of would be
to add a new characteristic of JumpAbility to each ship, but then things
would just get messy (IMO).

It's very easy to understand the basics.  I will
of course have questions about the specifics in
due time, but I'm not at all in doubt that I can
grok the Way Things Are™.

Grok on.

Time to break out the MLCAD...o je.

Aha! So your support to revamp the JumpShip rules is nothing more than a
ploy to make New Pacific the most profitable sector in the galaxy!  I
knew it!

This is a surprise how?  Arrr.

Methinks Lindsay may be TOO familiar with the origins of Port Block.  Curses!

Still baldly going...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Rules Talk: JumpShip Ideas
(...) Oooh! A thread with colors, and HEY! .starship has over 100 posts now! :) Oh, and Lindsay, as for lack of brick, ABS-related CAD are allowed. You may use any scale you like (mini-fig-, micro-, nano-, macro-, etc.). As for your interjections, (...) (22 years ago, 30-May-03, to lugnet.gaming.starship)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Rules Talk: JumpShip Ideas
Hi! If I may interject, as someone who's mulling over joining up (unless my lack of any actual Brick at the moment is an intent-killer) and has read the rules as a fresh outsider: (...) This sounds fair. Otherwise, no significant gain is made by (...) (22 years ago, 29-May-03, to lugnet.gaming.starship)

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