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 Dear LEGO / 2932
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Re: LEGOs dirty trick: making money by not producing all masks as announced.
lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.technic.bionicle
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 17:28:49 GMT
1934 times
In lugnet.dear-lego, Larry Pieniazek writes:

I would not be too surprised if it wasn't true for Pokemon, though. But I
suspect it's against the law in at least the US, as it would be false
advertising to claim something is available if it is not ever available
anywhere (even in small quantities).

I'd rather TLC didn't go down this particular path, legal or not.

Bah, believe me, *every* booster has a rare, and one in three is a holo.
With a lot of time, money, and diligence I was able to complete three sets
of Pokemon cards.

For this reason I know how it is to open 5 boosters in a row to get
practically nothing interesting or good.  Thus I find TLCs actions totally

Okay, I *really* like collecting.  A LOT.  Look at my lego collection!  In
fact, every thing I acquire, be it lego, cards, a video game, or a happy
meal toy, I have to keep as pristine as possible, especially the box.  Often
I will not even remove the shrinkwrap, but only cut a flap on the side in
order to open it.  Now THAT is sick!

Lego is hella cool to collect, and I like the idea of true collectable lego,
say, the masks/discs.  I never got into throwbots much-thank god!  I think
Bionocle and these masks would have interested me though, however...after
hearing all this I refuse to buy them.  Lego has always been about quality,
and may the set be an idol like the Century Skyway and Skull's Eye Schooner
or some crap like the Roadside Repair and Super Cycle Center, there was
always something that just screamed quality from the whole package, and IMO
TLC always had its dignity.  Not any more.  Their new technique with the
masks makes them pompus and sick, and I will NOT tolerate it.  If this is
the type of thing TLC will be doing, then Lego Direct can <TOS> off, even
they can't help.  This not only discourages me from trying to collect any
masks, but pick up any Lego product at all.  It changes my view from what I
thought to be a reputable company to something much lessar than Mega least Ritvik was a strait-out, FAIR competitor.  Lego has REALLY
crossed the line this time, and if I don't get an answer soon I may begin a
lego boycott (believe me, I have enough to last me for a while already).  If
I learned that certain rares never existed in the Pokemon TCG after I had
just spent $80 collecting hoping to find them...oh, you don't KNOW the stink
I'd make out of it.  If this is how TLC chooses to treat its customers, the
only thing that pulls me back in could be the next wave of SW lego.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGOs dirty trick: making money by not producing all masks as announced.
(...) I believe it's true for Magic. I would not be too surprised if it wasn't true for Pokemon, though. But I suspect it's against the law in at least the US, as it would be false advertising to claim something is available if it is not ever (...) (23 years ago, 13-Feb-01, to lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.technic.bionicle)

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