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 Dear LEGO / 138
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Re: New Service Packs for 1999..
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 20:24:06 GMT
1353 times

Peter Eio is listed in the latest press release as being in charge of
Lego, Inc. in Enfield.  I also think that individual letters would make
more of an impact than a form letter.  I am assuming Lego will send a
form letter back, but if we keep it up, at least we can say that we are
trying to be heard :)

Thomas Main

Gary Istok wrote:

Whatever you folks would like, is fine with me.

By the way, does anyone know if Peter Eio is still the President of TLG/USA?
He knows who I am (he's replied to several letters about bulk orders several years
I would probably also send a copy to him.

I'm receptive to whatever concensus you folks come up with.

Gary Istok

Jeff Stembel wrote:

I would support a variation on this.  Each month, a Form Letter is posted on a
website specifying a parts pack.  Everyone who supports this would then
download it, sign it and send it in.  It would be much more organized that way.
Maybe the month before, a poll would be taken as to what pack appears in the
form letter.  Any other suggestions?


Thomas Main writes:

This letter is well-worded and expresses which parts packs a lot of us
would like to see issued by Lego.  A few months ago there was a
suggestion on rtl that actual letters be sent to Lego by rtl'ers, each
expressing specific wants for new parts/ideas/sets.  The letters were to
be sent in a coordinated way, so that, for instance, one month everyone
might send letters asking for a better windows/doors parts pack and
another month everyone would send letters asking for train themed
elements, etc.  Of course, not everyone would agree which parts were
most needed, but the idea was that if the theme chosen for the month was
one you agreed with, you would write a letter to Lego.  I propose that
this idea be implemented for '99 and that January's theme be the parts
packs that Gary has chosen.  If everyone who is interested in these or
similar parts packs were to write an actual letter to Lego this month, I
think the effort would be noticed.

Gary, if you would get the ball rolling by sending this letter, I will
also send a letter asking for the four different types of parts packs
that you have suggested (with some variation).  I would encourage others
to do the same.  I think it is reasonable to spend a little time
composing one letter a month, just 12 a year, in an effort to be heard
by the company who produces the products we spend so much time working
with.  What do you say?

Thomas Main

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Service Packs for 1999..
Whatever you folks would like, is fine with me. By the way, does anyone know if Peter Eio is still the President of TLG/USA? He knows who I am (he's replied to several letters about bulk orders several years ago). I would probably also send a copy (...) (26 years ago, 22-Jan-99, to lugnet.dear-lego)

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