Re: Chrome Knight's Kingdom
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 04:02:23 GMT
735 times
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In lugnet.castle, Bradley Dale writes:
> In lugnet.castle, Shiri Dori writes:
> > Can't help but reading this with agony (nothin' personal, Rick)... so now
> > Princess Storm will become a clone fig, oh dear... <frown>... can't help but
> > be selfish, this means Scar won't be half as unique as she is. :-(
> Scar isn't unique just because of her face. I still have no idea where you got
> that red hair piece. I have a lot of minifigures, but I don't have that.
It is available in service pack 5393, which as of several months ago was still
available from S@H. It has one each of red, brown, and black shoulder length
hair like Scar's, 2 each of pony tail hair in those colors, 2 black mens hair,
and a bunch of helmets and hats.
> And
> the torso you used on Scar hasn't been availible for years, if I remember
> correctly (though I do have some). It seems to be more 1993-era. Even if I
> could get a cheap Storm, I couldn't make Scar because of the hair. Since you
> have used a few hard to find parts, you don't have much to worry about
This torso was in a few small Paradisa sets, so shows up all the time in eBay
minifig lots. I must have 10 of them or so.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Chrome Knight's Kingdom
| (...) Scar isn't unique just because of her face. I still have no idea where you got that red hair piece. I have a lot of minifigures, but I don't have that. And the torso you used on Scar hasn't been availible for years, if I remember correctly (...) (24 years ago, 17-Sep-00, to lugnet.castle)
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