Re: Is it possible to use LDView as POV-Ray previewer?
Fri, 2 Dec 2005 19:09:30 GMT
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In lugnet.cad.ray, Robert Seifert wrote:
> Hi
> I am using it and I am really glad I've found it. But some models (or details)
> require better rendering, so I use POV-Ray.
> In POV, pinpointing exact camera_position and camera look_at parameters just by
> typing coordinates is real pain even when using all the tricks I've found on
> and elsewhere. One still has to type the coordinates, run the test
> render, change coordinates little bit, run the render... and it sucks.
> I think that it would be really great if I can set the view in LDview just by
> rotating and dragging with mouse as usually, and then somehow get figures I
> need (camera position, camera look at etc), so I can put them into my .pov file.
I tried to implement this functionality, but ran into a brick wall. The problem
is that L3P doesn't allow for arbitrary camera positioning, so there's no way to
convert LDView's arbitrary camera position into an L3P command line.
Specifically, the top-of-head in L3P always points up. I'm not sure if Lars
plans to change this in the next L3P or not.
> I have looked through the whole documentation for LDview, but didn't find
> anything useful. Yet there is rotation matrix, it actually isn't full 4*4 trafo
> matrix. I have the angles, but I don't have the offset of the model from the
> centre of view. (It's actually rotation matrix for the model, not for the
> camera, but i think I can derive camera parameters from it.)
If it were possible for me to output an L3P-compatible command line, I'd
implement that directly. But since it isn't, I implemented something that
allows you to reproduce views in LDView at a later date on LDView's command
line. I could certainly add a way to output the camera position, but it
wouldn't help generating an L3P command line. Additionally, I could probably
output something that could be manually inserted into the camera section of the
file generated by L3P (replacing L3P's camera positioning), since POVRay certain
supports arbitrary camera positioning.
> Does anybody know how to do it (interactive camera positioning) or how to dig
> out parameters from LDview?
> Should I write it to the feature requests for the LDView, or did I miss
> something and this feature is already there?
> Thanks for any suggestions.
I'm always open to feature requests. Right now, I want to (finally) get the
final 3.0 release out the door. Once I've done that, I'll take a look at what
features to add onto the next release.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Is it possible to use LDView as POV-Ray previewer?
| (...) I have already implemented support for the sky vector and for camera roll, see (URL) perhaps it would be more convenient to have a -matrix option to directly specify the camera matrix ? I know POV supports the matrix keyword inside the camera. (...) (19 years ago, 3-Dec-05, to lugnet.cad.ray)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Is it possible to use LDView as POV-Ray previewer?
| Hi I am using it and I am really glad I've found it. But some models (or details) require better rendering, so I use POV-Ray. In POV, pinpointing exact camera_position and camera look_at parameters just by typing coordinates is real pain even when (...) (19 years ago, 2-Dec-05, to lugnet.cad.ray)
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