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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 986
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Re: Making the DAT links work in safari.
Fri, 23 May 2008 16:40:35 GMT
12264 times
In, Christopher Masi wrote:
Don Heyse wrote:
So far, I've been unable to shake L3Lab from it's unholy grip on
my .dat files. :^)

Hmmm... the strange thing here is that I can set Bricksmith or Mac Brick
CAD as the default to open all dat/ldr/mpd files and the setting sticks.
However, when I try to set LDGLite as the default the setting reverts to
  L3Lab. Perhaps it has something to do with the these apps interact
with the OS. MBC and Bricksmith were built from the ground up as Mac
applications whereas, LDGLite and L3Lab weren't. Is it possible that
L3Lab took over that Linux-y environment when it was installed? You can
tell I have no idea what I'm talking about, can't you :)

I don't either, but I think the problem is that ldglite uses a really,
really old version of the info.plist settings, probably obsolete.  I have
to read up a bit on the new keys to see what they do.  According to these
notes, things changed a bit in Tiger.

Once I've got that down I'll see if bringing my info.plist file up to
date makes it work better with the other apps.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Making the DAT links work in safari.
(...) Well, I tried that, and all it did was make it so that LDView couldn't be chosen as the app to open LDraw files at all. Comparing to L3Lab's Info.plist, I haven't the foggiest why. The L3Lab one seems to work. However, when I carefully cleaned (...) (17 years ago, 24-May-08, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Making the DAT links work in safari.
(...) [...] (...) Mmmm... I like swiss cheese too (...) Oops sorry. I shouldn't have assumed that you forgot those conversations. It would be cool if you could get Safari to do it. (...) It would allow the user to select which things to be (...) (17 years ago, 23-May-08, to

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