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Re: 2nd. Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
Fri, 25 Aug 2000 16:47:02 GMT
694 times
Michael Lachmann wrote:
In MLCad I would like to use:
0 ROTATION CENTER "Name" x y z <mf>
0 ROTATION AXIS "Name" x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 <mf>
0 ROTATION CONFIG <arp> <vf>

Looks good so far!

"Name" is used to give this point or axis a name which allows to select it
from a list of points or axis.

Cool, thanks!  :-,

<mf> is a modification flag which indicates if the point can be modified from
an editor or not 0 = do not modify, 1 = modify ok

Looks good.  I suggest that the <mf> can be set from inside MLCad, like a
file's read-only bit in a file manager.

The ROTATION CONFIG will be used in MLCad to save the current config within
the file the parameters are:

Sounds like you'd want just one per model.  How would you handle more than

<arp> Actual Rotation Point ... which can be
0 = Parts Origin
1 = Parts Center
2 = Parts Active Rotation Point
3 = World Origin
4 .. n = User defined Rotation Point 4 is the first defined, 5 the second ..

Suggestion:  make the "static" point numberss negative, and the user-defined
point numbers positive (or vice-versa).  e.g.:

-3 = Part's Origin
-2 = Part's Center
-1 = Part's Active Rotation Point
0 = World Origin
1 = 1st user-defined point
2 = 2nd user-defined point

(Now seeing that Marc suggested the exact same thing...oh well. :-)

Another, possibly more human-readable way to do this would to refer to the
user-defined points by name, rather than their ordinal number.  i.e., a
non-numeric string would be assumed to be a lookup value in your axis
hashtable.  e.g.:

0 = Parts Origin
1 = Parts Center
2 = Parts Active Rotation Point
3 = World Origin
right_hinge = user's "right hinge" named axis
left_hinge = user's "left hinge" named axis

An example line to demostrate:

0 Next line is the named rotation axis for the left arm
0 ROTATION CONFIG left_arm_axis 0

<vf> Visible flag for rotation point, if 1 the point will be display,
otherwice not.

Again, a great idea.

There must not be any ROTATION CENTER or ROTATION AXIS command after the


Wow, thanks for formalizing this!  I'm getting stoked already!  :-,

- jsproat

Jeremy H. Sproat <> ~~~
Is it still illegal if I copy just the FBI warning?

Message is in Reply To:
  2nd. Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
I would like to propose a slightly modified meta command set for the rotation points, based on the idea of Marc Klein. He suggested: 0 ROTATION CENTER x y z 0 ROTATION AXIS x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 In MLCad I would like to use: 0 ROTATION CENTER "Name" x y (...) (24 years ago, 25-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)

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