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Re: Named rotation inheritance (Was: 2nd. Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw
Wed, 6 Sep 2000 14:37:07 GMT
1241 times
In lugnet.cad, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:

A subpart would need to "know" and "advertise" its own
rotational axes to the tool; the tool would then offer these axes, and any
others the user enters manually.  The simplest approach for this is for • the
subpart to have special named axis lines, and the tool will scan for • those

If a model includes this subpart and would like to rotate it, then it's the
subpart's job (and not the model's) to explicitly know which axes are
available for rotating the subpart around.  I hope I'm clearing this up a
bit; sorry if I'm not.  :-,

OK, I understand you and agree.  This would work with a user interface
program.  But what if I wanted to externally script an animation?  (I say
externally because if I created an animation with a powerful tool, the tool
could solve this problem for me).

Say that I have a funny car model with 10 tires.  Then I wrote a script that
would rotate all 10 wheels over a period of "frames" and then output
those calculated "frames" to dat files that represented the frames (that
could then be rendered).  The problem is:  what syntax in a script could I
write that could specify which wheel is to do what?  If there is no unique
naming, I have to use line numbers like:
rotate(line59, axisName, params,...)
rotate(line60, axisName, params,...)
rotate(line61, axisName, params,...)

(line 59-61 would be sub-models)

If I were to rotate an buried sub-model I would have to use:
rotate(line62.line34.line53, axisName, params,...)

This would work, but if I ever changed the model, the line references
would be wrong.

I care about this because I am already working on a script that would do
just this.  I have already changed my plans a great deal because of what
we have discussed, so I am not just trying to convince you I am right.  I
am just trying figure out the syntax I should use to referring to sub-model
rotation axis.  These scripts will read an animation dat file and then
perform the rotations and movements of a model based on the
animation dat.

The solution I have thought of is to uniquely name anything that might be
referenced by an external script, like:

0 nameKeyword name
1 0 ....  submodel.dat

This would have to be a unique name in the file that includes the
submodel.  The submodel can't assign itself a unique name (i.e. a
unique name can't be included in a submodel's dat file).

About the Artemis Project.  Is there any current discussion about it.  I can't
find any.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Named rotation inheritance (Was: 2nd. Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw
(...) Not really. A subpart would need to "know" and "advertise" its own rotational axes to the tool; the tool would then offer these axes, and any others the user enters manually. The simplest approach for this is for the subpart to have special (...) (24 years ago, 5-Sep-00, to lugnet.cad)

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