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Another request to LDlite programmers...
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 02:56:45 GMT
794 times
Hi all,

Sorry to continually harp on this, but if Paul, or anyone else who is currently
"into" the LDlite code would look into a feature implementation, I would be
forever greatful.

The current version of LDlite has a feature "rotate model after drawing" which
as far as I can tell has no real practical use... If it is used in conjunction
with "save step files" it save one series of files, rotates the model and then
proceeds to overwrite the original series with a new series of files.

Now, I am only an amature programmer and don't know C, but it seems to me that
it shouldn't be too hard to change this feature so that when both "save step
files" and "rotate model after drawing" are on, then LDlite knows to save out
discrete series of files, one for each rotation. Now for a model with several
steps, this will result in LOTS of files, each with a unique name.  I
believe that "rotate models..." uses a 10 degree increment, so using alpha
delineation would not work (too many rotations).  The issue of file name
trucation could be handled by LDLite creating a directory structure for the
file array like so:

Initial File: foofoo.dat
contains 8 steps.

if "save step files" is selected, then LDlite outputs:
foofoo1.dat, foofoo2.dat, foofoo3.dat, foofoo4.dat, ... foofoo8.dat

If both "save steps" and "rotate drawing" are selected, then LDlite outputs:
foofooVR/rot_0d/foofoo1.dat, foofoo2.dat, ... foofoo8.dat
         rot_10d/foofoo1.dat, foofoo2.dat, ... foofoo8.dat
         rot_20d/foofoo1.dat, foofoo2.dat, ... foofoo8.dat
         rot_30d/foofoo1.dat, foofoo2.dat, ... foofoo8.dat
         rot_360d/foofoo1.dat, foofoo2.dat, ... foofoo8.dat

With this directory structure, one could then open up QuicktimeVR or Kaidan
ObjectWorx and construct a QTVR array (rows = rotations, columns = steps) and
present a fully interactive set of instructions for the model over the web,
where the user could rotate each step of the model display by "rolling"
horizontally and advance thorugh the model steps by "rolling" the model

Please, please, please, somebody fix this! :) :)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Another request to LDlite programmers...
You could use MLCad for this feature. The program supports so called RotationSteps which rotate the model and stop drawing (or generate a picture). To make a rotating model, you have to append several rotation steps at the end of the dat file and (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Another request to LDlite programmers...
In lugnet.cad, Karim wrote some words, asking for LDLite to combine -MS and -T options. This isn't a fix to LDLite, but I put together a utility to run a model through LDLite 36 times, rotating the view around Y by 10 degrees each time. The bitmap (...) (25 years ago, 7-Mar-00, to lugnet.cad)

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