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  Re: Parts authoring help wanted
(...) Well, the easy way, to NOT make any mistakes, is to create a .DAT file with a bunch of lines type 1, which include for example the Brick 1x1 -> 3005.dat and then you change their color and their x,y,z position to see the changes. 1 color x y z (...) (25 years ago, 11-Aug-00, to

(score: 1.817)

  Re: partial archive of colored parts online
(...) [...SNIP...] (...) ---...--- Directory Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed. ---...--- Could you please allow the directory listing, it gets a lot easyer to browse, than appending the part filename as you (...) (25 years ago, 17-Aug-00, to, lugnet.cad)

(score: 1.817)

  Re: More newbie questions
(...) I think Not, MPD won't act as a virtual direcotry, since you can only use it to represent the model contained within it, not several, unless they all are part of a larger model, (same tree root) i.e. the first file included in the MPD. See ya (...) (25 years ago, 18-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)

(score: 1.817)

  Re: partial archive of colored parts online
(...) Thanks. (...) Weel, Lego is supposed to be for kids. With this feature turned on, you may disable some of them to see your Lego contents. 8) See ya Rui Martins (25 years ago, 18-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad,

(score: 1.817)

  Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
I this is a very good ideia, which I have also been researching due to LSim. Basically it's a good ideia for two main reasons: 1 - it allows for an easyer/faster placement of axel/axis connected parts, so it's good for editing and model authoring. 2 (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)

(score: 1.817)

  Re: 2nd. Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
(...) I would place the "Name" at the end, because it allows you to be consistent with .dat usual format, and it may have other possibilities, like aliases, several names. (...) Sorry, I can't see any benefit from this flag, if it can't be changed (...) (24 years ago, 25-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)

(score: 1.817)

  [somewhat of topic] STARWARS
Has any of you already seen this (URL) just awesome See ya Rui Martins P.S. There goes my salary down the drain again. (24 years ago, 31-Aug-00, to

(score: 1.817)

  Re: *** LDView v0.7 Released ***
(...) Well, for usability sake, we should correct what we can, but this is a dangerous feature, if we don't issue at least some warnings about it. Because this will lead the authors to get sloppy (please don't take me wrong here, its a Human factor) (...) (24 years ago, 1-Sep-00, to

(score: 1.817)

  Re: Texture mapping spec? (was Re: Doing Patterns and Bitmaps in MLCad)  [DAT]
(...) I second this ideia, and I would also like to add that extra directories never hurt backwards compatibility. I also have to say that you I would like to remember that we should try to follow the path of the more experienced, like the creators (...) (24 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad,

(score: 1.817)

  Re: Texture mapping spec? (was Re: Doing Patterns and Bitmaps in MLCad)  [DAT]
(...) I orgot the Texture filename, so: 0 TEXTURE <texture_filename> <vector1> <vector2> <vector3> [<vector4>] So, Resuming again: 0 SET TEXTURE_WRAP on 0 MATRIX TEXTURE 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Load 0 TEXTURE my_texture1.png 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 16 (...) (24 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad,

(score: 1.817)

  Link Updates
As time allows, the following links need updating: At * and * "Official LDraw Releases" should point to (URL). At * "LDraw Add-On (LDAO)" should point to (URL). Thanks! (...) (24 years ago, 6-Sep-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

(score: 1.817)

  Re: Sphere tesselation
(...) As far as I know, the sphere is incorrectly tesselated in Ldraw, because it has non-planar quads. So if there is ever going to be a matematical tesselation, which aproaches this form, it won't surelly be a sphere, more like "spheroid", similar (...) (24 years ago, 11-Sep-00, to

(score: 1.817)

  Re: Sphere tesselation
(...) You got me on that one 8) See ya Rui Martins (24 years ago, 11-Sep-00, to

(score: 1.817)

Have anybody link a TI-92 (Texas Instruments Calculator). Because I fail on my first try. And only got a cero value form the TI-92. Any Help? Thanks Daniel R (24 years ago, 11-Sep-00, to lugnet.robotics.handyboard)

(score: 1.817)

  Re: Intersection of 2 3D lines?
(...) you just have to define the lines equation! as you now: Y = mX +b Z = nX +c defining a line as a function of X coord. Now, these lines probably are edges os something, or at least you have to points which belong to them, usint them, you can (...) (24 years ago, 13-Sep-00, to

(score: 1.817)

  Re: Intersection of 2 3D lines?
(...) Well, thanks Steve. But you could easilly make it 3D couldn't you ?! 8) See ya (24 years ago, 13-Sep-00, to

(score: 1.817)

(...) if you are using Ienternet Explore, you must inculde the protocol like in: (URL) this still doesn't solve your problem try (if you are running windows) on the command line ("" on Win9X, or on WinNT) ping If you (...) (24 years ago, 14-Sep-00, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.general,,

(score: 1.817)


(score: 1.817)

  Re: Membership link ideas
(...) I don't have the data indexed by location, so it would have to scan linearly over all the data. Perhaps in the future. For now, you can get the answer by looking at the "by country" list (everyone on one big page -- give it a while to load)... (...) (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

(score: 1.817)

  Re: At last 360 degrees panoramas
(...) First the (.ivr) extension is NOT supported by your Hosting Site. Second, I maybe wrong, but what you actually did was a skybox (cube actually), with Faces (Front, Left, Back, Right, Top and Bottom). A Panorama is actually a Single image which (...) (24 years ago, 22-Nov-00, to lugnet.cad)

(score: 1.817)

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