Re: Sphere tesselation
Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:31:20 GMT
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On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, Travis Cobbs wrote:
> Does anyone know how to perform an arbitrary sphere tesselation which ends
> up with the tesselation used by the LDraw sphere primitives when set to a
> detail level of 16 (16 being the number of facets around the circumference
> at the equator). I'll have to be able to run it for an eighth of a sphere,
> of course, since that is the base sphere unit in LDraw.
As far as I know, the sphere is incorrectly tesselated in Ldraw, because it has
non-planar quads.
So if there is ever going to be a matematical tesselation, which aproaches this
form, it won't surelly be a sphere, more like "spheroid", similar to a sphere,
but not quite.
MAybe this primitive(s) should be corrected, to use planar polys (tris or
quads). Then it could be made a matematical approach, which will tesselate with
the same or similar points.
> I want to do a primitive substitution for the
1-8SPHE.DAT primitive, but
I'd > really rather not have to hard-code the points.
> It would be nice at some point in the future to be able to increase the
> complexity and still have my spheres and cylinders meet exactly.
Not Ever !
Even now, if you rotate the cylinder or the sphere, relatively to one another
(in steps different from multiples of 90 degrees, it won't match.
The "perfect" solution for polys, is to make the objects interpenetrate each
other, a let the renderer to the "pixel match work".
See ya
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Sphere tesselation
| "Rui Martins" <> wrote in message news:Pine.GSU.4.10.1...0@is-sv... (...) ends (...) a (...) circumference (...) sphere, (...) it has (...) this (...) sphere, (...) Actually, I don't believe the existing one is quite a sphere. I (...) (24 years ago, 11-Sep-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Sphere tesselation
| Does anyone know how to perform an arbitrary sphere tesselation which ends up with the tesselation used by the LDraw sphere primitives when set to a detail level of 16 (16 being the number of facets around the circumference at the equator). I'll (...) (24 years ago, 9-Sep-00, to
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