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Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
Thu, 24 Aug 2000 14:03:32 GMT
908 times
I this is a very good ideia, which I have also been researching due to LSim.

Basically it's a good ideia for two main reasons:
1 - it allows for an easyer/faster placement of axel/axis connected parts, so
    it's good for editing and model authoring.

2 - it is one of the basic elements to allow a mechanical simulator to respect
    the connections while it is simulating movement (but some more are
    required), so it's good for animation.

Also, we probably don't need to keep/save the connections on the model file,
since if the editor supports this, all the axels/axis will be correctly
alligned, which allows us to easilly detect them. But for animation, I' thinking
more on the line of an animation configuration file, which will use submodels
(*.dat files) with their local origin set so that it can be used as submodel
axis (like in a robot arm). The only problem with this approach, is that it
would only allow for one axis per submodel, which is not acceptable, so that's
way the animation configuration file is on the drawing board.

See ya

  Keep up the good ideias, together we will make a better lego world.

Rui Martins

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
(...) LSim. (...) so (...) respect (...) model file, (...) thinking (...) submodels (...) that's (...) This is a very good idea. I have been working on ways to make animations for a long time. The easiest way I have been able to do it is just how (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
(...) I did not say that the parts can only be turn around the rotation axis defined by the primitives. These axis are only here to give to user convenient settings for the rotation center. Instead of giving the coordinates, the user chooses in a (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)

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