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Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
Thu, 24 Aug 2000 12:10:17 GMT
971 times
On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 07:25:11 GMT, "Michael Lachmann" <> wrote:

In lugnet.cad, Marc Klein writes:
The rotation axis defines a rotation center and limits the rotation to one • degree of freedom. It should be used in
primitives that basically only have only one degree of freedom in rotation • like pegholes and axleholes. This feature
will avoid to freely turn around a point where it is only possible to turn • around an axis and so limit the misplacement
of parts.
Most of the rotation of parts are only around one axis.
Marc Klein
A Mindstorms fan.

I think this is not true, you can rotate any part however you like, since
there are a lot of parts which allow to connect other parts in various angles.
E.g. this thing with two plates (don't know how it's called in english) which
can be opened up to 270 degrees - the plates are connected with an axis.
Theire are also parts which connect two parts in an angle of 90 degree ...

I agree. See all the technic parts that are connected with pins.

I think i have not explained myself very clearly. I have tried to be more clearly with some pictures.
Heve a look on the page

I also describe on that page another idea for automatic placement of parts using rotation center directive.
I hope it is clear enough.

Marc Klein
A Mindstorms fan.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
In lugnet.cad, Marc Klein writes: <SNIP> (...) clearly with some pictures. (...) using rotation center directive. (...) There is still one problem: Take the first picture as an example. You would say that the red part can be turned on exactly one (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
In lugnet.cad, Marc Klein writes: <SNIP> (...) degree of freedom. It should be used in (...) like pegholes and axleholes. This feature (...) around an axis and so limit the misplacement (...) I think this is not true, you can rotate any part however (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)

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