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Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:32:00 GMT
1037 times
On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:09:56 GMT, "Michael Lachmann" <> wrote:

There is still one problem:
Take the first picture as an example. You would say that the red part can be
turned on exactly one axis only? That's not true ... think on a situation
where you use both parts rotated 90 degree on any other axis ... with your
command we would not be able to turn this part as we would like it.

I did not say that the parts can only be turn around the rotation axis defined by the primitives. These axis are only
here to give to user convenient settings for the rotation center. Instead of giving the coordinates, the user chooses in
a list of possible axis. If he whishes to turn the part differently, he can always use the traditionnal methods : center
of part, world origin and rotate around any of the three axis (x,y,z).

But what is true that theire is a relation between TWO parts and they can only
be connected in a certain orientation. And even that is not true ... I could
put the red part as it is in the first picture directly between the studs of
the yellow brick!!!

Of course yes, the automatic placement is just a new possibility to move a part. If it is not ok, we could use a manual
placement. We can also want to save the "connections" made with the automatic placement, but i'm afraid it will cost
much calculation. I think in the beginning, a function that just moves a part will be enough.

Michael, if your are interested, i have an algorithm that calculates the transformation that moves an axis to another.
I can also help developping parts of your software if your are interested. I am a professionnal developper of cad-cam
softwares. I use Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.
Marc Klein
A Mindstorms fan.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
I this is a very good ideia, which I have also been researching due to LSim. Basically it's a good ideia for two main reasons: 1 - it allows for an easyer/faster placement of axel/axis connected parts, so it's good for editing and model authoring. 2 (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
In lugnet.cad, Marc Klein writes: <SNIP> (...) transformation that moves an axis to another. (...) am a professionnal developper of cad-cam (...) Now I got it .... For now I would like to keep MLCad as it is, in order to be able to release the next (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Idea for a new feature to help rotation of parts in Ldraw Cad software
In lugnet.cad, Marc Klein writes: <SNIP> (...) clearly with some pictures. (...) using rotation center directive. (...) There is still one problem: Take the first picture as an example. You would say that the red part can be turned on exactly one (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-00, to lugnet.cad)

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