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Re: Motorizing 9V switch points (translation from french)
Sat, 13 Dec 2003 17:14:14 GMT
2268 times
In lugnet.trains, James Brown wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Philippe Label wrote:

One minor note: You don’t need to modify the switch for my design; in fact, I imagine that it wouldn’t work with a modified switch.

I’m toying around with a new design that moves the direction of torque 90 degrees to the direction of sheer; currently they’re both vertical in my design (Lego tends to separate on the up-down axis, the excess torque in mine is spent up-down). If I get it down to a useful compact design, I’ll post it here.

Hi James,

You are right there is no absolute need to use a modified switch point with your drive mechanism. The story is that I tested it with a new switch point and an old 71427 motor quite used. The system went to some problem of torque limit. Since I don’t want to modify any of my switch points, I made then the assumption that it would work better with a modified one. Sorry for the misleading assumption.

Anyway, after your message, I decided to go back to this test and I used a simple trick to soften the switch point mechanism, it is by the use of half a drop of pure vaseline oil. I put this oil directly as close as possible to the locking system of the switch point. Here is exactly where I dropped the oil ( oil diffuses rapidly to it and reduces significantly the torque needed for the switching operation. This oil is ABS compliant and do not degrades the plastic (after several weeks, at least). Thank you for you feedback which made this suggestion possible.

I am happy to know that you play to propose another drive mechanism. I look forward to reading from you. A compact drive mechanism is certainly the most awaited issue to place such power units between tracks.



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  Re: Motorizing 9V switch points (translation from french)
(...) Thanks for the work putting this all together! It's good to know other folks won't have to go through the same hours of searching that I did when I was looking for ideas on doing this. :) One minor note: You don't need to modify the switch for (...) (20 years ago, 11-Dec-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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