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Re: Motorizing 9V switch points (translation from french)
Mon, 15 Dec 2003 14:36:55 GMT
2779 times
In lugnet.trains, Philippe Label wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Ed McGlynn wrote:
   In lugnet.trains, Philippe Label wrote:
Here’s a link to my latest design, which I used at our last show: ...and the associated .mpd file: Credit goes to Chris Alano for the drive mechanism.

Hi Ed,

I went on testing your proposal. It works so fine, I planned to introduce Amaury Jacquot’s modification of Chris Alano’s mechanism you use to reduce a little bit the footprint (expecially the width) of the power unit. You will see that Amaury tried to put the power unit closer to the switch point for this purpose. I try to get a block that can fit in 16 studs which is a standard inter-track space. Actually it should fit in 12 studs, so there are 2 studs free on each side of the track to be safe with large engines and long wagons. Here is an evolution of your proposal with these constraints in mind. I am not completely happy with that one because it should be reduced one stud more to fit my expectations. Any help will be welcome.

All the best,


Phillipe -

So far so good - I need to do an actual build of your model to get a better feel of the mechanism you’ve designed, but it looks great. There may be some optimization left to do on it, so I’ll give it a go and let’s see what we get!

Understood about the dimensions you’re shooting for. Thanks, Ed

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  Re: Motorizing 9V switch points (translation from french)
(...) Hi Ed, I went on testing your proposal. It works so fine, I planned to introduce Amaury Jacquot's modification of Chris Alano's mechanism you use to reduce a little bit the footprint (expecially the width) of the power unit. You will see that (...) (20 years ago, 13-Dec-03, to lugnet.trains, FTX)

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