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Have LEGO, will travel
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 15:59:00 GMT
1676 times
The topic of traveling with LEGOS came up on a previous thread, and I suggested
strapping bins together.  But I didn't realise Larry P. was talking about plane
travel, not just across town.  For plane travel I would go with the large
zip-lock bags - up to 2 gal. Then pile these in a duffel bag, or even the
corners of your suitcase.  No wasted space from half empty bins, and you can
see exactly what you have.  I must confess, I rarely let my kids travel with
legos, too easy to lose on the van floor.  And I really couldn't deal with
losing that one essential special piece somewhere between here and there.
Make it a good day.

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Have LEGO, will travel
(...) suggested (...) plane (...) Yup, that's what I've been doing. And for what to bring on the drive out here to CO, I opened up two technic shuttles, a bigfoot, two robots, and some other sets, dumped all the parts bags into one big 66 quart bin, (...) (26 years ago, 17-Oct-98, to

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