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Re: Have LEGO, will travel
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 21:56:01 GMT
1902 times
Larry wrote:
Besides, I could be blowing the money in bars or other ways, what else is • there
to do when you're out of town and your free time comes in small slices rather
than big blocks?
Louise wrote:
Hope I did not offend, I should have added a ;) to let you know it was
intended in a light hearted manner.
Good point, one I have used myself after many a trip to the book store.
LEGOS are definately healthier than a lot of things people choose.
Should we have moved to an off-topic page?
Make it a good day.

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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Have LEGO, will travel
(...) A note, the ">" are inserted by the posting software to show what was quoted. This is done by most software out there, including most newsreaders likely to be used (for example, Netscape, which I use on RTL), as well as by the web posting (...) (26 years ago, 20-Oct-98, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Have LEGO, will travel
(...) I guess it's just a matter of obsession, but not letting it stand in the way of putting food on the table. I work hard, and my employer values that and takes good care of me. Besides, I could be blowing the money in bars or other ways, what (...) (26 years ago, 18-Oct-98, to

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